"Ugly-Rose"? Who, Amy? And let's be honest Joseph. If it ain't Tom Baker, you're not liking The Doctor. That's how you've been since I met you. If Eccleston's awesomeness didn't move you, I don't expect Matt Smith's flawless performance as The Doctor to change your mind now...

There was SO MUCH of this episode to carve up. So many references (Eye of Orion, deleting rooms, etc.) So many hints and reveals (The Doc's first words about his TARDIS, why he chose that one, etc). And we even got to see a little bit more of the TARDIS interior. Although, as Neil said in the Confidential episode, it was more how he envisioned House transforming the corridors, rather than how they always look. Oh, and bringing back the old Troughton "Email/Message Box" was absolute sublime genius. Damn that was cool.

Either way, it was simply one of the best episode of the series. I, too, called who she was the moment I heard the engines "land" in her. I got that the moment it happened. And I loved how the entire story was handled.

"My thief!" LOOOOOVE IT!!