Originally Posted By: Rob
it all sounds like positive changes to me. maybe a bit unnecessary, but... in this microcosmic view of the intraweb, alone, there's more comic book related discussion in the past few hours than there has been in a few months.

new costumes is good. reworked stories is good. a more media-pleasing relation to other sources (superman more like smallville, batman more like begins) is good. new numbering and a true "jump on point" is good.

question is, who is it "good" for - and the answer is more than likely "not you guys." but, quite frankly, its time for the industry to say "fuck you guys." the majority of us will follow along, anyway. but comics are a dying breed - any chance to legitimately attract new blood is a good thing, and i think all of the above does so.

i'm actually very much looking forward to the digital comics thing ...the thing that makes me not-white or something. i haven't purchased a printed comic book in sometime, but i've been buying them through iTunes on occasion - starting with the classics (dark knight returns, long halloween, etc.) and eventually snagging the whole blackest night saga. and with no messy under-the-bed boxes or ads for x-ray specs!

All of it means nothing if the price isn't right. As much as people bitch about comic nerd bitching, those same comic nerds are what have kept the print side of the business going. Until the business reverts back to the pre-speculator days of making comics on the cheap as a disposable, affordable media, they aren't going to be bringing in too many new readers. Only the nerds will pay $3+ for a funny book. You start pissing them off without attracting new readers, and you've fucked your business.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."