I do agree that digital distribution should bring that price down without printing/shipping costs tacked on. On the other hand, I don't see anyone outside of the existing comic nerdom paying $3 or more for about thirty pages. Magazines offer hundreds of pages in that glossy print for just a few dollars more, and they're dying out as well.
magazines offer more, but they're also bloated with ads. and their medium is dying because they can no longer sell the ads to keep up with their costs (to outpace the shrinking distribution because of the intrewebs ruling the earf).
$3 is only a 50% increase from where they were 20 years ago. i'd pay $3 for a morrison batman and robin, but not a brightest day issue, regardless of pages. i just don't think price is that large of a gamechanger, overall.
but i do agree the occasional cheap issue, or cheap title, could help pull in a different audience -- DC's 10 cent books (i believe that was bruce wayne fugitive kickoff?) sold a brazillion copies. hell, maybe all these new relaunches should feature a $1 first issue. a sampler platter! let audiences see the many varieties, then pay more for the ones that they like and want to stick with.