Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
 Originally Posted By: Rob
typically similarly priced to the printed books.

Hahaha. I was considering buying a lot of the upcoming #1s, but not if they're that expensive. This same-day revolution won't do much good if they don't drop those prices by at least half.

actually, i shouldn't have said that, because i don't really know what the printed books cost. i just assumed. here's some of this week's books and prices:

authority volume 2, #4 - 1.99
batman 13 - batman 25; 1.99
batman and robin 16 - 1.99
batman arkham city 2 - 0.99
brightest day 21 - 1.99
birds of prey 121 - 1.99
flash 12 - 1.99
gotham central - 1.99
preacher 50 - 2.99
super 8 #1 - free
superboy 74 - 1.99
tomorrow stories 10 - 0.99

giant picture