I didn't know there was an actual console until just now. They needed to be clearer about it.
yar. the main showcase is the controller, like wii. the ole "sure, it's a console that plays games, but
here's what sets us apart" bit. the controller is the key to wiiu. but there
is a wiiu system.
what it looks like, not yet revealed. the demos (and, again, could just be the demos) showed a wii, or wii-like, console. maybe wiiu looks the same, maybe not.
but the wiiu console will be able to play HD games, which the wii obviously can't. in addition to being much more powerful, the word is nintendo will use a blu-ray-like media (same thing as blu-ray, just no working with sony!) in addition to built in HD and flash drive tech. no word on if it'll play movie discs in addition to netflix, but if nintendo's past is any indication, no.
So it looks like a tablet that you can also use on a TV, which is cool. The using two screens at once can also lead to some interesting games. I still want to see what comes out of it.
yeah, it really seems to address every type of gamer: hardcore, apple fruity, and wii casual.
you can play a game in multiple ways:
- on the tv, like normal gaming
- JUST the controller (with the tv off)
- both: using the TV for main gaming and controller screen for like inventory screens. OR, like some of the demos showed, using the tv for main gaming and the controller for just "other views". the sample they featured (which is limited, but just shows possibilities) is placing the controller on the ground, making it look like a tee and golf ball. then you swing over the controller, and it shows you hit the ball "in" to the TV. not exactly like you can use that in arkham city, but still looked cool as an added dimension.
also important to note, in that golf example, the player was using the wiiu controller AND a wii controller