this is a teaser shot from an upcoming wii u ubisoft game, killer freaks from outer space. it shows the "main" player using a regular controller (the wii's classic pro) and the "other" player using the wii u weirdo controller.

the classic pro controller is actually quite similar to "regular" 360 and ps3 controllers, though it got very little use on the nintendo wii. outside of downloadable games, most developers were designing for the wii-mote controllers. maybe now that the wii u will have a more traditional skew (HD, third party support, hard drives, friend code-less online support, etc.) the controller of choice will become the dual-shock-like classic pro.

with that theory, maybe developers could design games using the classic pro for games like tekken, tom clancy, and batman arkham city, etc. the wii-u controller could then either be used for "additional content," a stranger-looking classic controller that functions the same as a classic controller, or flat out ignored.

giant picture