Watched this. All the Asgard stuff was incredible. All the Earth stuff was boring, cliched shit. In my opinion, while not a bad movie at all, it certainly ranks at the bottom of the Avengers Family movie list (CAP, IM, IM2, HULK, THOR).
Overall, I liked it. Good action in the scenes on Asgard and battling the frost giants.
Best fight scene of the movie, especially when he's spinning it. Never thought I'd see that realized so elegantly in live-action form.
Same with the battle between Thor and the Destroyer.
What, the first five-seconds of it, or the last five-seconds?

The Destroyer went down waaay too easy.
Most of the actors were good. The one exception: Kat Dennings' character was too annoying
TOTALLY agreed! She was a cliche of a cliche. Without showing us her boobs, there was little point to her being in any scene.
Also, while I realize it was necessitated by the plot, there was nothing in the movie to explain why Thor would be interested in Foster and not (as often the case in the comics) Sif.
Agreed. I thought Portman was flat as hell. She (and he) had zero motivation to "fall" for each other. My wife pointed out an interesting comparison: In Captain America, Haley Atwell falls for Steve Rogers for the man he is on the Thor, Portman falls for Thor because he's "hot" on the outside. She can barely tell you anything about him by the end of the movie. What on earth is she attracted to, then? Obviously she wants to fuck him. Ha!
Enjoyed some of the subtle nods to Marvel history: the mention of a Gamma-ray expert who got involved with SHIELD and was never seen again, the SHIELD agent assuming the Destroyer was "one of Stark's" inventions, calling Thor "Don" as a fake name to SHIELD, etc.

The post-credits scene with Fury was the weakest one of the series so far, but I guess that's going to be expected since they've now lined up everything except Cap for the Avengers movie.
I get the feeling, for some reason, that this scene would have been with Ed Norton's Bruce Banner, instead of that guy from Good Will Hunting. After recasting and probably some rewriting, they had to stick this little bit together with what they had. I'm just guessing, but it seems organic to me.