Okay, I'm in a good mood. I'll respond:
BTW, I like how you keep trying to change the title of this thread, Dave. That's a classic case of denial on your part, man. Therapy. You'll thank me later.
Your obsession with something as small as how I title my posts makes me think otherwise.
Is it an obsession, or is it me asking you a single question about it, and making fun of your insecurity?
That you're afraid of the truth despite all your

, that you realize you're exposed, and you are thus trying to change the subject.
No, I don't mind staying on the subject you seem so butt-hurt over. The email sent was racist. Period. Fact. End of story. And you can try and worm your way around it with semantics, and anger, and extremist rage at those who have different beliefs than you. But, in the end, you're simply wrong on this one. Sorry. Just because Obama has white parents does not mean that you can say he was born from apes. That's not just fucking stupid (because it is) and childish (because it is) and ignorant (because it is), it's racist (because it is). Obama is black. It's a specific quality that separates him from all previous Presidents, and therefore different rules apply. That's a fact of life. And whether you're sincerely racist yourself and it just bothers you a "nigger" is in the White House, or you've had your mind warped around Conservative talking points so much that you cannot see what is directly in front of you, I don't know. The thing I fear the most about you is that you absolutely deny reality just because you want your "side" to "win". And that.....that would be the epitome of why modern Americans should be ashamed. This "us and them" mentality is ludicrous. You want to know why America is falling behind the rest of the world? Because the millionaires in Washington are dividing us and keeping us at each others throats to distract us from the REAL issues Lobbyists and Corporations are paying them to ignore.
I know you wish your party was perfect, and I know you wish the "EVIL LIBERALS" would all kill themselves and non-whites so that you could feel secure in your position in life. But, in the end, the email was racist, and that is a fucking
fact. I realize it makes little sense for me to actually attempt to sway you with logic and rationale. However, unlike how you see me, I don't consider you "pure evil", and just see you as a sad man who is probably lonely, and uses extremist politics to define himself completely. And there is a point where I pity you, and feel sorry for you. Yet, everytime I try to joke with you or yank your chain, you lose your mind on me and go off the rails. I wish you wouldn't, but you don't seem capable of anything else.
And since you believe changing the title of the thread doesn't matter at all, then I'm sure you won't mind if I change it to something I like. Now, don't have an "obsession" and try and change it back. That just shows your "obsession". Right? And we don't want that...

And just y'know, generally a weaselly sack of excrement.
Awww....you poor, sad child. What next? I'm a doo-doo head? Grow up.

I've repeatedly pointed out how --despite your self-congratulation of how neutral you are-- you keep hyping the "right wing extremist" partisan talking points of Reid, Pelosi and Schumer. I keep raising that point, you keep avoiding it.
I "avoid" (ignore) because I don't know who in the fuck you're talking about. I'm Prometheus. You're Dave, the Wonder "Boy". There is no "Pelosi, Reid, and Schumer" here. They aren't involved in our discussion, and no matter how insistent you are, I simply do not know their beliefs or opinions. I avoid Politics Channels like MSNBC or FOX. I don't keep up with the mud-slinging or the silly-ass ego battles these millionaires in Washington participate in. Because I just don't care. Seriously. Politicians waste time, money, and are not at all interested in bettering our country. Not the politicians on your side of the isle OR the Lefties. They don't care, so I don't care about them. Because to follow them, and follow their beliefs and memorize their ideas and speeches is meaningless to me. It does not, in any way, better my life or those around me. So, therefore, I let the millionaires play their profit-game, and I just keep my head down and try to provide for my family. Nothing more, nothing less.
Yes, I pick on you. Yes, I taunt you. And none of it has to do with your political stance. Pariah, BASMS, and even G-Man (to an extent) have the same political beliefs. And I don't pick on them in the same way. Why?
Because they aren't as easy as you are. I fuck with you because you're like a wind-up toy. I wind you up and you go. And it's entertaining. And that's the only reason I come here. To be entertained.
Now, you can choose to believe me, and read all of that with the neutral voice I intend it to have. Or, you can just freak-the-fuck out and do what you always do and simply rant and rave with