Originally Posted By: Rob
i don't think the above edit is necessary, but i also don't think it detracts from the film. to be honest, i think it makes the moment a little more ...better, to sound filipino (som?)

No, because it doesn't jibe with what is happening on screen.

The visual is Vader acting calmly and deliberately. Yelling, even through the mask, doesn't go with that. Furthermore, the Emperor is zapping away at Luke and not paying attention to Darth. Part of the reason he isn't paying attention to Vader is because Darth isn't screaming 'nooooooo' during the scene.


on a related notw, i've often wondered how the film's original 70s and 80s hardcore fans reacted once they ultimately realized the entire epic wasn't luke's story, but rather a 6-chapter story about vader.

For my part, it was not that big of a shock. Lucas had said early on (even before we knew Vader was Luke's dad) that he intended on doing nine films, three of which were prequels. The first film, of course, set up that Ben and that dad had been jedi together. So we all had a pretty good idea that there would be three films about Ben and Luke's dad at some point.

Once ESB came out, we all knew those prequels would be about Luke's dad being Darth Vader. We just didn't know they'd suck.

If anything, the bigger surprise was that Lucas (a) waited so long to do any films after Return; (b) didn't do sequels first and then prequels.

Of course, for my part, by the time we got to the Ewoks, I really wasn't that excited one way or another for whatever he did.