Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I think never letting her go back to cigs is a good choice. But, I don't see the harm in her catching a buzz every so often. Cut her some slack, she's going to be popping a human out of her vagina. It's your job to support her...

she's her own person; I'm not trying to tell her what she should and shouldn't be putting in her body once the baby's here. she's a very intelligent person and she knows the ups and downs of all her options. the main reason I don't mess with the stuff myself is just a personal thing: I don't like ceding any amount of control to a substance - any substance. I always stop at two drinks - on the rare occasion I drink at all - and I only take things I know will affect me somehow if I know I absolutely need them to manage pain or some other symptom. I'm not trying to pass judgment or cast aspersions on people who have other methods of medicating themselves; it's just not my thing.


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