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iggy #1158358 2011-09-27 4:57 AM
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Wouldn't it just fuck everyone's mind if Smith & Co. lied about his contract to the press, and he suddenly regenerates next week? I don't think my brain could handle that. So, I hope I'm wrong.

Honestly, I pretty much have called the River stuff all the way through (except for the "Mels" double-bluff in LET'S KILL HITLER). So, it wasn't a surprise she's in the astronaut suit. I think that was the "hint" from the very beginning of the season (i.e. her younger self in the astronaut suit). But, where they're going with it? No idea. I can't get a read on Moff's intentions. Unless, they're so predictable as to not give off any hints of a direction. I mean, it was pretty plain and simple that River was Amy and Rory's daughter from the get-go. So, if he remains that predictable, then it's simply going to be River kills The Doctor, and then he comes back. No more, no less. But, knowing Moff, he's got some swerve in there we can't see yet.

Also, I imagine after River kills The Doctor, she goes back to the 51st century and turns herself in to Stormgate Prison. That way, not only to punish herself, but I would imagine to also keep The Tesselecta Justice crew coming for her again. But, who knows...

Prometheus #1158359 2011-09-27 5:07 AM
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wouldn't it just fuck everyone's mind if Smith & Co. lied about his contract to the press, and he suddenly regenerates next week? I don't think my brain could handle that. So, I hope I'm wrong.

Don't even joke about it. Seriously.

Honestly, I pretty much have called the River stuff all the way through (except for the "Mels" double-bluff in LET'S KILL HITLER). So, it wasn't a surprise she's in the astronaut suit. I think that was the "hint" from the very beginning of the season (i.e. her younger self in the astronaut suit). But, where they're going with it? No idea. I can't get a read on Moff's intentions. Unless, they're so predictable as to not give off any hints of a direction. I mean, it was pretty plain and simple that River was Amy and Rory's daughter from the get-go. So, if he remains that predictable, then it's simply going to be River kills The Doctor, and then he comes back. No more, no less. But, knowing Moff, he's got some swerve in there we can't see yet.

Yeah, that is what is driving me crazy. It has been quite predictable and yet totally mindfucking at the same time trying to figure out the reason for it all. Since it seems the Christmas special is a standalone, I can't help but wonder what the big bomb teaser for series seven will be either.

Also, I imagine after River kills The Doctor, she goes back to the 51st century and turns herself in to Stormgate Prison. That way, not only to punish herself, but I would imagine to also keep The Tesselecta Justice crew coming for her again. But, who knows...

Which also points to the fact that River must be drugged out of her mind right in the lake since older River seemed to have no idea that it was that moment despite being in jail for killing him. I don't know. Like I said, Moffat has made some of this so simple and yet a lot of it makes you want to

Last edited by iggy; 2011-09-27 5:08 AM. Reason: quote fix
iggy #1158360 2011-09-27 5:12 AM
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But, remember when River emptied her revolver at the astronaut as it was leaving? After the bullets ran out, she mumbles: "...of course not..." That can be taken as "Of course regular bullets won't hurt this thing" (which is how I took it to begin with) OR it can be taken "Of course that didn't work because I remember it not working when I was the one killing him". Either way, I think her memory is so fucked she couldn't remember even being in that suit in her first life as a child.

BTW, here's the finale poster...

Rory's coming for your ass!!

BTW, I think those patches they are wearing actually allow them to see The Silence and not forget them. That's why Kovarian wears one all the time...

Prometheus #1158362 2011-09-27 5:19 AM
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Agreed on the patches. Read another possible spoiler of
Warning, Spoiler:
the Doctor giving up an eye (two doctors) for a patch (the pirates)
but I don't know about that one as a lot of shit has been bandied about.

Didn't Amy have the pants suit look rocking once before? When, if she did, was that?

Also, maybe they'll explain all of Rory's deaths and his becoming all G.I. Joe or Action Force since he is British...and gay for your ass.

Last edited by iggy; 2011-09-27 5:22 AM. Reason: spoiler tag
iggy #1158364 2011-09-27 5:24 AM
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I'm gay for HIS ass! Rory Williams, The Last Centurion FTW!

And yeah, Amy was rocking the pants suit in The Day of the Moon when she got captured by The Silence, and told her she had been with them "for many days". They also said "You are Amelia Pond. We do you honor. You bring The Silence." So......brain explode.....

Prometheus #1158365 2011-09-27 5:50 AM
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Ah, of course. I just thought of something else too. Didn't the Doctor give Craig the same speech that his younger self gave the crew during the Impossible Astronaut about time being all bumpy and what not? Or, have I just driven myself crazy with minithons of this past season?

I love the Last Centurion. I'm on the fence about the apparent "Mickeyfication" though. He also reminds me of something from--I believe--Morrison's run on Batman but I can't place it.

iggy #1158373 2011-09-27 4:14 PM
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"Mickeyfication"? You talking about the pic up there with him in the camo-gear?

Prometheus #1158376 2011-09-27 4:48 PM
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Yeah, it just seems to similar to Mickey's move from tin dog to "bad ass" freedom fighter/UNIT operative.

iggy #1158381 2011-09-27 5:18 PM
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Ah! Yeah, well, I think what we're seeing up there is episode specific. But, who knows?

Either way, I do believe that Mickey Smith and Rory Williams have had the greatest development arcs in the entire series. Both have gone from--convincingly--nothing, to become--convincingly--something. They are, to me, the greatest examples of The Doctor's companions fulfilling their potential. Rose, Martha, Donna, Amy? More or less the same as when they started. Except Rose became ridiculously unconvincing as a "badass", Martha's role as UNIT medical office makes sense but isn't that great of a leap, and Donna's whole story is meaningless by the end, because she'll never remember and thus never grow. Rory and Mickey, though, both grew up and learned to find the confidence in themselves that allowed them to blossom into the successful badass-es that they are. In fact, Cross and I were discussing if The Doc ever needed to assemble "Doc's Army" again (as in A Good Man Goes to War), this is who he should assemble (not taking budget into account) :

  • Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart
(since Nick Courtney just passed away this year, I'd be open to seeing a female Lethbridge-Stewart, his own daughter, with a Colonel rank leading a division of UNIT. If it worked, she could have a recurring role in the series just like "dad")

  • Captain Jack Harkness (and maybe Gwen from TORCHWOOD)

    Mickey & Martha Smith, Alien Defense Fighters (last seen in Ten's last episode)

    Rory Williams, The Last Centurion

    Prof. River Song

    Queen Liz-X
    (from THE BEAST BELOW)

    Agent Canton E. Delaware, III (from THE IMPOSSIBLE ASTRONAUT)

    Madame Vastra & Lady Jenny


  • The Trion Defense Battle Fleet (President Vislor Turlough)
    (When we last saw the 5th Doc's companion, Turlough, he had discovered his political exile had ended, and he could return to his home planet. I am going with the conceit that not only did he return, he accepted his rightful family rank and became leader of Trion and her people. Thus, when the man who saved his soul in his youth needs help? He's bringing his entire military star-fleet with him.)

    The Thoros Alpha Warlord Fleet (King Yrcanos & Queen Perpugilliam)
    (When we last saw Peri Brown, the 6th Doctor was rushing to save her when the Time Lords yanked him forcefully out of time/space to stand trial. At first thought lost, it was later revealed that King Yrcanos, the warrior King played by Brian Blessed--who had shown to have feelings for her--had saved her and placed her on high as the Queen of his planet, Thoros Alpha. Thinking him dead all this time, when The Doctor asks for help the King and Queen of Thoros Beta respond by sending their entire royal fleet to his aid.)

Prometheus #1158384 2011-09-27 5:41 PM
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Glacier16 ass-kicky User kung-fu treachery
5000+ posts 46 minutes 52 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: The Official Doctor Who thread

You're welcome to socialize with us, Jeff. I'm Pro. Remember me? We used to talk and stuff? \:\)

Prometheus #1158385 2011-09-27 5:48 PM
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Hopefully, it is more episode specific. I'm cool with character development so long as it is well done. I like the move from Rory the Nurse to Rory the Guardian. It makes sense. They both play well off the fact that, IMO, he is more reactionary. That doesn't mean I am adverse to him becoming more of an initiator but, that such a change has to be well done to be believable.

Pictures don't tell the whole story so all of this is probably moot. But, he looks more like he is going out to kick ass than he is standing guard and just waiting for someone to dare try it.

iggy #1158389 2011-09-27 5:51 PM
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Glacier16 must be upgraded!

Son of Mxy #1158390 2011-09-27 5:53 PM
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...or he will be deleted.

iggy #1158391 2011-09-27 5:53 PM
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LOL! Yeah, I imagine that's just "Standard Action Pose". Moff's always gone to great lengths to make him cool, but remind you he's not (i.e. he wanted to be cool for Amy, but cried when he saw his child)

Prometheus #1158392 2011-09-27 5:54 PM
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Damn SoM! You need to get an avatar. Your posts are so short now, I almost looked past them...

Prometheus #1158393 2011-09-27 5:58 PM
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My posts are short because I'm asian!

Prometheus #1158395 2011-09-27 6:03 PM
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Yeah, Moff has been good with that with both he and--at times--The Doctor. It is part of why I dig these two seasons over Davies tenure. Davies, IMO, tried to rip everyone from their "everyman" status to being a superhero. Moffat seems more than happy to point out the superhero in every everyman.

BTW, meant to say it in the previous post, that is one mean list.

Prometheus #1158409 2011-09-27 7:08 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Glacier16 ass-kicky User kung-fu treachery
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Thread: The Official Doctor Who thread

You're welcome to socialize with us, Jeff. I'm Pro. Remember me? We used to talk and stuff? \:\)

Just catching up Dev, been outta town for a week. I will catch my recording of the latest Doctor Who after work.

iggy #1158422 2011-09-27 7:27 PM
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 Originally Posted By: iggy
BTW, meant to say it in the previous post, that is one mean list.

It's my nerdlist...

Glacier16 #1158423 2011-09-27 7:27 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Glacier16
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Glacier16 ass-kicky User kung-fu treachery
5000+ posts 46 minutes 52 seconds ago Reading a post
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Thread: The Official Doctor Who thread

You're welcome to socialize with us, Jeff. I'm Pro. Remember me? We used to talk and stuff? \:\)

Just catching up Dev, been outta town for a week. I will catch my recording of the latest Doctor Who after work.

Prometheus #1158425 2011-09-27 7:31 PM
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Someone has out nerded you, Pro.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
thedoctor #1158449 2011-09-27 10:15 PM
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Prometheus #1158454 2011-09-27 11:25 PM
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thedoctor #1158546 2011-09-28 4:15 AM
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 Originally Posted By: thedoctor
Someone has out nerded you, Pro.

he has also outhaired Pro.

Son of Mxy #1158547 2011-09-28 4:16 AM
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::This comment is awaiting Pro's approval and will only be shown when proven to meet Promethean Guidelines.::

iggy #1158548 2011-09-28 4:19 AM
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My approval is better than Pro's approval.

iggy #1158580 2011-09-28 3:29 PM
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 Originally Posted By: iggy
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Son of Mxy #1158581 2011-09-28 3:31 PM
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 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
My approval is better than Pro's approval.

Your approval obsession is tearing these boards apart!

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."
thedoctor #1158624 2011-09-28 5:12 PM
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So finally caught up, confused as shit but still loving the series. Yeah!

Glacier16 #1158641 2011-09-28 5:22 PM
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"Shut up Hitler!" \:lol\:

Prometheus #1158644 2011-09-28 5:23 PM
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Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All!

Glacier16 #1158984 2011-09-29 11:54 AM
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Son of Mxy #1159513 2011-10-01 3:58 AM
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Anyone else in countdown mode?

iggy #1159516 2011-10-01 4:09 AM
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Prometheus #1159517 2011-10-01 4:11 AM
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I said countdown mode not thinking about riding up and down on Rory's cock! ;\)

iggy #1159518 2011-10-01 4:17 AM
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Oh, and for those who may not have heard yet, DWC got the axe.

iggy #1159519 2011-10-01 4:29 AM
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iggy #1159530 2011-10-01 6:53 AM
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I'm not on countdown mode. The past few eps killed the excitement for me. I'm just going to watch tonight just to get things over with.

Son of Mxy #1159535 2011-10-01 2:07 PM
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Prometheus #1159540 2011-10-01 3:14 PM
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Moffat better do something to win me back!

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