Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
You tell us to turn off the bipartisan ship and they you post something from msnbc? You are the liberal wondy.

If you want to fix the economy, cut off all the protesters government aid. That will force them to get jobs and stop leaching off of society.

You are an ignorant, deluded, selfish little child. I no longer enjoy talking to you because you are a coward. Someone so obsessed with their view they can't drop bias for ten seconds to feel empathy towards a common cause designed to benefit even you. Which makes you exactly everything you baby-cry about. We're done. I'm ignoring you now, you fucking idiot.

You know, Pro, in all seriousness, that really does read like your were trying to do a "liberal Wondy" rant.

...that was the point... ;\)

You know Rex. There's no getting through to him. He's as shut-off as Wondy. That's why it's far better to just mock him...