From your opening post, Pro, that "greed that has infected the world", from Wall Street, backs Obama.
Wall Street was the number one financial backer of Barack Obama's 2008 campaign.
Wonder Boy, I am saying this in my inside voice. I am not yelling at you. I am not berating you. Just listen for one moment:
This isn't biased. We're not talking about Left or Right. This is about all of us, together. Please, PLEASE don't bring partisanship in here. I know you can see past it. I know you can. Look at the big picture. Come on, please!
That footage in your opening post was slickly edited in a Michael Moore style.
...what? Go to YouTube! Look up the "Occupy Wall Street" videos! You will see so MANY different viewpoints that you will see nothing is being "edited". Certainly not by Michael fucking Moore.
It is clear propaganda and not "news coverage", or even the objective amateur footage of a bystander in the protests.
(i.e., it is shit, absolute garbage, worthless in terms of trying to find footage that gives an honest assessment of what actually happened there.)
....actual, amateur video footage isn't enough? I don't understand. Seriously. You've lost me.

You mock me for sourcing Fox News (even though I only post Fox links a small percentage of the time, and often even the Fox links I post are to Associated Press and other mainstream sources).
But this crap, along with your posting Keith Olbermann, and his rabid replacement, MSNBC's self identified on air, no less!) socialist Chris O'Donnell, manifests how far-left you are, even as you call on the rest of us to be "objective" and set aside our politics.
David, I JUST posted, offering you an olive branch, okay? Our disagreements and whatever outside this thread don't matter to me while we're in here discussing this. Please, can't you find any ground to meet another American halfway on battle for our Rights?
As others have said, the police will have an internal investigation to determine whether there was any actual brutality on their part. You seem quick to label it that way, regardless of the evidence.
I honestly ask you, twice, to just let it go and lets be friends in here. Look at the evidence. Go to YouTube and look all the protestor footage. Seriously, man. You cannot dismiss them all as frauds, or whatever. Why are you making this about Right vs Left? This is about us ALL. Can't you see that?
Now, for the third and final time, I reach my hand out to you in this thread and say: "Time-Out". Let's agree that we all need to come together to save our society from those above us. If that's Obama or if that's McCain. Or if that's both! Let's not allow phantom allegiances to "our teams" blind us to an actual, universal problem.