Insert Orwellian reference here. We are on the edge of a slippery slope. I would expect civil revolution in the next decade. Get ready.
Did it offend you? I'm sorry. Just stating an observation.
When it's your guys in SEIU beating down a black Tea Party member, that's perfectly okay, and just getting in the faces of the "inbred white racist bigots" (who happened to be black) that you choose to despise and slander for no logical reason beyond your political biases.
Even at 9-plus-percent unemployment, and heading for a double dip with an astronomical 14.7 trillion in debt, you support Obama over any Republican (who you slander without evidence as racist bigots)
But one piddly protest on Wall Street that meets the slightest resistance, before the facts are even known, you brand as Armageddon at hand, and cheer Marxist revolution.
Oh dear. Come on David. Did you ignore my entire last post? Are you really incapable of just seeing the big picture, and joining your fellow Americans? How many times do I have to reach out a hand of peace to you, for you to just slap it away? Is there any hope of you coming down off the mountain and joining us? Should I hold out hope for you?