Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'd frankly rather be on the balcony sipping champagne than shouting marxist slogans with the grubby leftists in the street below. \:\)

And by the way, the video is from and promotes this website;
Which is a left-partisan website promoting social justice, a centerpiece of Obama rhetoric, and that of his administration. The same administration that the champagne drinkers financially supported and voted for.

as detailed by Tim Carney in the book I mentioned, corporations and wall street have benefitted from the Obama administration like no administration in history.
Corporate welfare fills their coffers, companies like GE and Pfizer.
And new Obama-legislated industry regulations impose a higher cost per unit for medium and small companies, a cost-per-unit that corporations can more easily absorb. Which drives out competition for the largest companies and increases their market share by thinning competition. And all costs of this new regulation are past on to the middle class and poor consumers. Thinner selection and higher prices.

And no doubt, the socialist hippies in the street below all voted for Obama.
Who are the dupes and fools who need to learn the truth?

IMO, the hippies looked dirty and annoying. The people on the balcony looked like they escaped from a massengill box.

Of course, corporations have benefited from the Obama administration. He's their fucking puppet. He's bankrolled by GE and Goldman-Sachs. Maybe, we ought to get down there and tell that to those in desperate need of laying off the patchouli.

Most of our modern discourse over right versus left is nothing but a rehash of the Optimates versus Populares battles of the late Roman Republic. That fight wasn't really the patricians versus the plebians, it was a fight between two aristocratic factions in which on side proclaimed the need for reform (see, social justice) as a way to bolster their support. More or less read a book on that period of Roman history and swap the names of the parties and people like Marius, Sulla, Caesar, and Pompey with Democrat, Republican, Soros, Murdoch, Immelt, and Koch and it is the same damn story just without all the bloodshed (so far).

But, both sides agree on one thing: the middle class has got to go.