Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
...These people are peacefully protesting, as is their American right...

from what we can see.

From what EVERYONE can see, Phil. MSNBC isn't the only camera there. ALL the videos on YouTube show the events from multiple angles. So, if anyone wanted to see if the protestors "deserved" being corralled and maced like animals for simply standing on a sidewalk, there is a full, unedited, unbiased opportunity to do so. It's all there, free to anyone that wants to look.

I haven't seen all the youtube footage (and quite frankly there's fucktons of it so cut me some slack there), but it's not as though amateur videography is immune to selective vision either. honestly, if you're videotaping a protest you're a participant in, how likely are you to capture (or at least upload) footage that's going to paint your protest movement in a negative light? you're a smart guy; let's be reasonable here. as I said, there will always be bias, and people will always spin things to their perspective even if they do so subconsciously. worldview is the lens through which we see everything.

Oh, and there is one video you should definitely look up. It's Wall Street bankers, sitting on their marble balconies above the protests, drinking champagne as a "fuck you" to the protestors. Yeah, that's real nice. Very American. Very fair.

you're saying that if I were to see that I'd be upset somehow? when it comes to any actual issues at the heart of this (publicly protesting much of anything is generally a waste of time), I'm not taking one side or the other on this, but it's nice to actually see some give-and-take. come on - there's people camped out outside somewhere you're trying to work (it may not be menial work but banking and stock trading and managing investments is work), talking shit about you and your co-workers and everything related to the profession you've devoted a chunk of your life to getting into and getting good at. I realize some of these guys are most likely at least partly responsible for a lot of people's financial woes right now, but if you value empathy and trying to put yourself in the other guy's shoes as much as you say you do, at least attempt to see where they're coming from. not everyone who handles (or makes!) large sums of money is a thief or a crook or filthy aristocrat bent on exploiting the working man. that's marxist bullshit of the highest order. you'd think people (the protesters, not you) showing up for something called 'days of rage' would be able to stomach some measure of opposition. what is it about lefties being thoroughly unable to countenance any sort of challenge to their assertions?

besides, if I were some douchey rich day trader with a bottle of dom to burn, I'd raise a glass to the hippies down on street level too. it'd be funny as shit. it'd be the same thing we do on here, but in real life, dude.

I think this is what it looked like right before the French Revolution...

the french nobility had far less firepower at their disposal than the United States government. if it's all, as some of us are saying, another example of government being in bed with Big Corporations™, my money's probably going to be on the side that has riot cops and national guardsmen and fucking tanks and shit to bring to bear on this, not some disaffected humanities majors (irony!) who've never held anything more inherently dangerous than a pack of parliaments. I sincerely hope there are no incidents of greater violence as a result of these protests, but if the 'revolution' you're hinting at ever takes place, I can drive twenty minutes to kent state university and take you some pictures with my phone of the last place they tried that. you can't stick it to the man with a head full of lead, my friend.


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