there are quite a few people in the comments section and elsewhere saying those folks were actually part of a wedding reception (I wasn't there so I don't know for sure), and not actual 'corporation people' mocking the protesters. so they could, in reality, be thinking "let's
cut the cake!" rather than what you're attributing to them. hell, they don't have to be wall-streeters to laugh at the protesters - who
isn't annoyed by preachy leftards? context is everything, and if you don't know for
sure what you're looking at and it turns out to be something else entirely... just trying to look out for ya, buddy.
but what if it
is just what the guy who posted the video (check out this guy's channel... pass the kool-aid?) says it is - rich people having a laugh at the hordes gathering in the street below them to complain about how miserable they are? man, that's fucking hilarious. just for a moment, distance yourself from the underlying debate and then look at this objectively.
tell me you wouldn't do that if you had half the chance. hell, I'd find a guy who knew enough of the material that we could start riffing on 'em
a la statler and waldorf.