Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Is that to say that all of the unemployed lower class are "imagining" their misery? Seriously?

No, it's to say that the degree-holding collge graduate hippies who are now career protestors and activists living off their parents... are.

It's also to say that many who are capable of getting an education and raising themselves out of poverty whould rather blame capitalism or "white privelege" or "racism", when the capitalist system actually allows millions just like them to achieve what any "priveleged" person has, through education and work.

I just re-read a Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel article that notes the contrast between the pursuit of higher education/financial success of black immigrants to the U.S. from the Caribbean and Africa, as compared to the low performance and unbroken poverty of U.S.-born black Americans.
Is it "racism"?
Or is it, more clearly, something different in the culture and ideology of those two black communities?
Both are black in America. One is succeeding.

My fear is that while they achieve success as new immigrants, their children will become immersed in the African American culture that will drag them down in a generation, to likewise become become high-school dropouts, gang members, involved disproportionately in crime, incarceration, and welfare use.