Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: rex
No, I don't. I don't give a shit about whiny entitled hippies. If someone wants to make the world a better place they do it through good things, not destruction. All the protesters are doing is looking for attention and getting in the way of people who want to live their lives. Protesting accomplishes nothing positive. It will make people care less about your cause. There are many ways these losers can improve themselves and others but taking over cities is not one of them.

So, the Founding Fathers should have just sat back and done nothing? The protestors in Egypt that overthrew Mubarack, they should have done nothing? Come on, Rex! Stop blinding yourself with antiquated talking points. These "dirty hippies" you keep going on and on about died in the late 60's. You might have to deal with homeless druggies in your town. Tough shit, we all do. But, these are activists, Rex. These are students, union workers, teachers, musicians, artists, you name it! There's reports that there are even bankers involved, themselves. I'm sure they're talking about the tellers at the bank, and not Wall Street tycoons. But, my point is stop lumping everyone together. You have no evidence whatsoever that the Occupy Movement is in any way made up of "dirty hippies", save your immediate bias. You come off as close-minded as every single "copy/paste"er you whine about...


There was no natural uprising in Egypt or Palestine, these people were foreign-led and organized by William Ayers, Code Pink, and other leftist groups from the United States.

And they still wouldn't have been able to overthrow Mubarek if Barack Obama (a leftist-indoctrinated brethren of their anti-colonial cause) hadn't abdicated responsible U.S. foreign policy to endorse the overthrow of our ally, and put Egypt on the islamic radical path to become another islamic Iran.

Not to mention the open-season on Christians that has been declared in Egypt and Libya since these uprisings began. Murdering christians, burning their churches, and more often just driving them out.