Yeah, but...the police say it didn't happen.
I deny a show of unity and want to destroy everything about this because it threatens the status quo! Baaaah!
Why do I even bother trying to talk to any of you on normal, rational terms? All three of you are so embittered by your own insecurities, you cannot see outside your own obsessively fantasy-driven universe. Just forget I even tried. I just hope you are prepared to find your liberties, freedom, and personal finance crumbling around your ears. If you're not prepared to stand-up for yourself and think for yourself, then you deserve what you get.
When the bankers fall, G-Man will probably die first, because of his age. He won't be able to survive in the elements. Rex will probably live for awhile on the bodies of his
friends and family. But, after that, who knows? And I'm pretty sure Wondy will just eat a shotgun barrel the moment society collapses. I hope I'm wrong.