From an unaired FOX News interview. They must have been too afraid of what this guy had to say. "Fair & long it falls Right"
Case in point with this guy. He comes across as passionate and having something to say, if those listening are completely uninformed.
And by "uninformed" you mean "indoctrinated to The Right", correct?
But for those of us who are informed, he clearly --Michael Moore-esque-- takes one tiny grain of fact (such as that there was an economic collapse in 2008) and weaves a huge web of assumptions about it that tailor to his own personal demagouguery of the Right and Fox News, weaaving in radical-left buzz-words like "social justice" into his smarmy rant, that clearly denote where his partisan biases are.
TRANSLATION: "He's not in the Tea Party and thinks for himself. He CLEARLYMICHAELMOOREGEORGESOROSLIBERALMEDIA hates human life!"