Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
The bankers did the responsible thing

That's as far as I got, man. \:lol\:

That's because you're a partisan idiot, Pro.

Banks should have continued to make bad loans to cause another collapse?
No, they did the right thing, to stabilize their industry, stop the bleeding, and not repeat the circumstances of the 2008 banking collapse, just to please a bunch of angry leftists who brought us to the edge of ruin by pressuring for easy lending in the first place. Easy lending that led to millions of foreclosures.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...

The G-Three
(G-Man, Wonder Boy, & Rex)

Pro, the home foreclosure crisis is due to a bubble created by Greenspan and Clinton, to replace the dot-com bubble that burst, and was encouraged to continue under Bush (although Republicans in the House pushed for stricter lending standards, and were outnumbered by Democrat partisan corruption enablers like Maxine Waters and Barney Frank).
It was Democrats who pushed for easy lending for unqualified buyers, who being unqualified, later defaulted. Or just chose to skip on their morgtages when they turned upside down (i.e., the home value depreciated to the point that the mortgage loan was higher than the value of the home).

It is Obama who is allowing unemployment to skyrocket, by making every liberal-spending-wet-dream a priority over our economy, making employers --both large and small businesses, not wall street-- afraid to hire because of the smothering and costly new regulations (and further regulations pushed for) that Obama has initiated.

The bankers did the responsible thing by holding onto the bailout money and stabilizing their industry, rather than continue to make bad loans to unqualified buyers (and kudos to the banking industry for having the backbone to do the responsible thing, even with Obama and the liberal media putting a gun to their heads. And mob-mentality leftists class-warfare thugs like ACORN and SEIU picketing them to continue the same dangerous easy-lending practices.

Dipshits like you are the cause of the collapse, Pro, for forcing banks to make bad loans or be called "racist" or "the greedy rich" if they didn't lend money to unqualified buyers who should never have been given cash.
Those trillions in unrepaid loans are what collapsed the system, not "greed".
Trillions in loans that defied common-sense lending practices, pushed in the name of liberal social engineering.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.