JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
Signed, The G-Three (G-Man, Wonder Boy, & Rex)
Pro, the home foreclosure crisis is due to a bubble created by Greenspan and Clinton, to replace the dot-com bubble that burst, and was encouraged to continue under Bush (although Republicans in the House pushed for stricter lending standards, and were outnumbered by Democrat partisan corruption enablers like Maxine Waters and Barney Frank). It was Democrats who pushed for easy lending for unqualified buyers, who being unqualified, later defaulted. Or just chose to skip on their morgtages when they turned upside down (i.e., the home value depreciated to the point that the mortgage loan was higher than the value of the home).
It is Obama who is allowing unemployment to skyrocket, by making every liberal-spending-wet-dream a priority over our economy, making employers --both large and small businesses, not wall street-- afraid to hire because of the smothering and costly new regulations (and further regulations pushed for) that Obama has initiated.
The bankers did the responsible thing by holding onto the bailout money and stabilizing their industry, rather than continue to make bad loans to unqualified buyers. And kudos to the banking industry for having the backbone to do the responsible thing, even with Obama and the liberal media putting a gun to their heads. And mob-mentality leftists class-warfare thugs like ACORN and SEIU picketing them to continue the same dangerous easy-lending practices.
Dipshits like you are the cause of the collapse, Pro, for forcing banks to make bad loans or be called "racist" or "the greedy rich" if they didn't lend money to unqualified buyers who should never have been given cash. Those trillions in unrepaid loans are what collapsed the system, not "greed". Trillions in loans that defied common-sense lending practices, pushed in the name of liberal social engineering.
I deny a show of unity and want to destroy everything about this because it threatens the status quo! Baaaah!
Originally Posted By: Rex
Why do I even bother trying to talk to any of you on normal, rational terms? All three of you are so embittered by your own insecurities, you cannot see outside your own obsessively fantasy-driven universe. Just forget I even tried. I just hope you are prepared to find your liberties, freedom, and personal finance crumbling around your ears. If you're not prepared to stand-up for yourself and think for yourself, then you deserve what you get.
When the bankers fall, G-Man will probably die first, because of his age. He won't be able to survive in the elements. Rex will probably live for awhile on the bodies of his friends and family. But, after that, who knows? And I'm pretty sure Wondy will just eat a shotgun barrel the moment society collapses. I hope I'm wrong.
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I swear to god, I think you're lying and are really 14. I just can't comprehend anyone the age you claim to be acting like such a spoiled little child. How petty.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
"Look at those dirty hippy scum Marine veterans." - Rex
They're entitled to their opinion, after all they most likely fought for that right which is more than I can say for all the other scum.
Well, given that logic, then you have no right to your opinion or views whatsoever. You've never fought for this country, so that makes you scum. Right? I mean, it's YOUR logic...
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
Oh Rex, stop posting your baby videos. No one cares.
On the contrary, I thought the tantrum-crying baby videos made the point quite well, about the general demeanor and [lack of] intellectual content of the protestors I've seen.
Originally Posted By: Pro
From an unaired FOX News interview. They must have been too afraid of what this guy had to say. "Fair & Balanced...as long it falls Right"
Case in point with this guy. He comes across as passionate and having something to say, if those listening are completely uninformed. But for those of us who are informed, he clearly --Michael Moore-esque-- takes one tiny grain of fact (such as that there was an economic collapse in 2008) and weaves a huge web of assumptions about it that tailor to his own personal demagoguery of the Right and Fox News, weaving in radical-left buzz-words like "social justice" into his smarmy rant, that clearly denote where his partisan biases are.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
From an unaired FOX News interview. They must have been too afraid of what this guy had to say. "Fair & Balanced...as long it falls Right"
Case in point with this guy. He comes across as passionate and having something to say, if those listening are completely uninformed.
And by "uninformed" you mean "indoctrinated to The Right", correct?
But for those of us who are informed, he clearly --Michael Moore-esque-- takes one tiny grain of fact (such as that there was an economic collapse in 2008) and weaves a huge web of assumptions about it that tailor to his own personal demagouguery of the Right and Fox News, weaaving in radical-left buzz-words like "social justice" into his smarmy rant, that clearly denote where his partisan biases are.
TRANSLATION: "He's not in the Tea Party and thinks for himself. He CLEARLYMICHAELMOOREGEORGESOROSLIBERALMEDIA hates human life!"
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
Signed, The G-Three (G-Man, Wonder Boy, & Rex)
Pro, the home foreclosure crisis is due to a bubble created by Greenspan and Clinton, to replace the dot-com bubble that burst, and was encouraged to continue under Bush (although Republicans in the House pushed for stricter lending standards, and were outnumbered by Democrat partisan corruption enablers like Maxine Waters and Barney Frank). It was Democrats who pushed for easy lending for unqualified buyers, who being unqualified, later defaulted. Or just chose to skip on their morgtages when they turned upside down (i.e., the home value depreciated to the point that the mortgage loan was higher than the value of the home).
It is Obama who is allowing unemployment to skyrocket, by making every liberal-spending-wet-dream a priority over our economy, making employers --both large and small businesses, not wall street-- afraid to hire because of the smothering and costly new regulations (and further regulations pushed for) that Obama has initiated.
The bankers did the responsible thing by holding onto the bailout money and stabilizing their industry, rather than continue to make bad loans to unqualified buyers (and kudos to the banking industry for having the backbone to do the responsible thing, even with Obama and the liberal media putting a gun to their heads. And mob-mentality leftists class-warfare thugs like ACORN and SEIU picketing them to continue the same dangerous easy-lending practices.
Dipshits like you are the cause of the collapse, Pro, for forcing banks to make bad loans or be called "racist" or "the greedy rich" if they didn't lend money to unqualified buyers who should never have been given cash. Those trillions in unrepaid loans are what collapsed the system, not "greed". Trillions in loans that defied common-sense lending practices, pushed in the name of liberal social engineering.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
From an unaired FOX News interview. They must have been too afraid of what this guy had to say. "Fair & Balanced...as long it falls Right"
Case in point with this guy. He comes across as passionate and having something to say, if those listening are completely uninformed.
And by "uninformed" you mean "indoctrinated to The Right", correct?
But for those of us who are informed, he clearly --Michael Moore-esque-- takes one tiny grain of fact (such as that there was an economic collapse in 2008) and weaves a huge web of assumptions about it that tailor to his own personal demagouguery of the Right and Fox News, weaaving in radical-left buzz-words like "social justice" into his smarmy rant, that clearly denote where his partisan biases are.
TRANSLATION: "He's not in the Tea Party and thinks for himself. He CLEARLYMICHAELMOOREGEORGESOROSLIBERALMEDIA hates human life!"
Right, that's what I thought.
Keep on trucking, WB. Don't you ever change.
Unlike you, I listen to both sides and seriously consider the Democrat candidates, and don't just vote partisan-Right like a zombie, as you clearly do for the Left.
I've gone over my voting record for the last 20-plus years repeatedly, and that clearly disproves what you slanderously (as usual) allege.
Your infantile taunts are a perfect representation of the slanderous Left (that is orchestrating this B.S. wall street protest). High on insults and slander, zero facts to support your claims.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Banks should have continued to make bad loans to cause another collapse? No, they did the right thing, to stabilize their industry, stop the bleeding, and not repeat the circumstances of the 2008 banking collapse, just to please a bunch of angry leftists who brought us to the edge of ruin by pressuring for easy lending in the first place. Easy lending that led to millions of foreclosures.
Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Originally Posted By: Prometheus
JLA! "They" have already told you! The Police are completely innocent and it was the fault of those American citizens to think they could have any rights! The Bankers are job providers, allowing for unemployment to skyrocket while taking bail-out loans. Thousands upon thousands have lost their home to foreclosure, and a lot are living on the streets. But, the Bankers needed that money to go on spa trips and finance their military contractors in the Middle East. Don't you care ANYTHING about Corporations? Jeez...
Signed, The G-Three (G-Man, Wonder Boy, & Rex)
Pro, the home foreclosure crisis is due to a bubble created by Greenspan and Clinton, to replace the dot-com bubble that burst, and was encouraged to continue under Bush (although Republicans in the House pushed for stricter lending standards, and were outnumbered by Democrat partisan corruption enablers like Maxine Waters and Barney Frank). It was Democrats who pushed for easy lending for unqualified buyers, who being unqualified, later defaulted. Or just chose to skip on their morgtages when they turned upside down (i.e., the home value depreciated to the point that the mortgage loan was higher than the value of the home).
It is Obama who is allowing unemployment to skyrocket, by making every liberal-spending-wet-dream a priority over our economy, making employers --both large and small businesses, not wall street-- afraid to hire because of the smothering and costly new regulations (and further regulations pushed for) that Obama has initiated.
The bankers did the responsible thing by holding onto the bailout money and stabilizing their industry, rather than continue to make bad loans to unqualified buyers (and kudos to the banking industry for having the backbone to do the responsible thing, even with Obama and the liberal media putting a gun to their heads. And mob-mentality leftists class-warfare thugs like ACORN and SEIU picketing them to continue the same dangerous easy-lending practices.
Dipshits like you are the cause of the collapse, Pro, for forcing banks to make bad loans or be called "racist" or "the greedy rich" if they didn't lend money to unqualified buyers who should never have been given cash. Those trillions in unrepaid loans are what collapsed the system, not "greed". Trillions in loans that defied common-sense lending practices, pushed in the name of liberal social engineering.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Unlike you, I listen to both sides and seriously consider the Democrat candidates, and don't just vote partisan-Right like a zombie, as you clearly do for the Left.
Let me clear here: You are so full of shit, I'm surprised a lightening bolt hasn't hit you! God, Dave. You insult me with these petty lies of yours.
I've gone over my voting record for the last 20-plus years repeatedly, and that clearly disproves what you slanderously (as usual) allege.
First of all, prove it. Prove you "gone over my voting record for the last 20-plus years repeatedly". Go ahead. Oh wait, you can't. I have to take your word that you are telling the truth. You know, the same benefit you never give me when I say something your cannot refute. Any time I try to meet you halfway, you just bite the hand offered and go on barking about your moral and political superiority. All the while, deaf, blind, and dumb to the world around you, or even what people are saying to you. Given that, I don't know how you expect me to believe such nonsense.
Your infantile taunts are a perfect representation of the slanderous Left orchestrating this B.S. wall street protest. Hiugh on insults and slander, zero facts to support your claims.
Yeah, yeah...posting actual live footage of the events, that's not "fact" or anything. There's no Biased Commentator available to tell you what to think! So, no worries. You, Rex, Old Man G...you all go on sucking on your thumb and sulking. Meanwhile, the actual adults will try and work towards a better society...
Banks, they did the right thing, to stabilize their industry
They sure did, didn't they? And fucked the entire world in the process. The very FACT that you're taking up for the people who caused this financial collapse is proof evident that you are simply part of the problem. Come to your sense and join the human race, or rot with the rest of the murdering sycophants. That's the choice you have to make, David. Make it a good one.
Oh, and BTW, keep your armchair-finance lessons to yourself. I've worked for banks. I spent nearly seven years working for the Home Affordable Modification Program. My entire job was to simply try and keep those taken advantage by the bankers from losing everything they had worked for. Everyone from retiree couples that live the Republican lifestyle, to Democratic twenty-somethings trying to get started in life. Yes, there are plenty out there that listened to the greedy side of their heart and made foolish decisions when it came to buying a house. But, it's the bankers responsibility to not "trick" them into doing so. And if you're HALF as educated on the subject as you claim to be, you'll know that's an absolute, irrefutable fact. The Bankers are guilty of fraud. The Federal Reserve took BILLIONS from the government, and then had the audacity to refuse to tell anyone where that money was going. When we know, for a fact, that it went to overseas bankers and billionaires.
MEANWHILE, good people are losing their lives because of the goddamn criminals on Wall Street and sitting in DC. And if you can't see that, then we're simply on opposing sides of the issue. There is no "gray area" when it comes to this. The facts, victims, and guilty parties are all clearly defined. Grow a spine, let your balls drop, and take a fucking STAND against this illegal hijacking of the American Financial System. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and get the hell out of the way. Those your only two choices.
Unlike you, I listen to both sides and seriously consider the Democrat candidates, and don't just vote partisan-Right like a zombie, as you clearly do for the Left.
Let me clear here: You are so full of shit, I'm surprised a lightening bolt hasn't hit you! God, Dave. You insult me with these petty lies of yours.
Fuck you, Pro.
You can go back through my posts over 10 years. I've said it repeatedly: I would have voted for Carter in 1976, if I were old enough to vote. And would have regretted it later. I considered him for many years to be a boy scout among presidents, who while being to the left of my beliefs, is a man of conviction with the type of integrity and character we want in our presidents. I've said so repeatedly over the years. Unfortunately, his ability to govern did not match his personal character. And in the last few years, his public statements have been irrationally pro-palestinian and anti-Israel. And also divisively partisan since the Bush years.
I voted Bush Sr in 1988. Perot in 1992. Perot again in 1996. Ralph Nader in 2000. W.Bush in 2004 (although I did consider Kerry, till his Vietnam record and anti-military voting made that impossible) I voted McCain with some reluctance in 2008.
I've posted this in similar attacks on my alleged partisanship over the last 10 years, in multiple topics.
So fuck you hard, deep and bloody with a rusty pipe.
Originally Posted By: Pro
Originally Posted By: WB
I've gone over my voting record for the last 20-plus years repeatedly, and that clearly disproves what you slanderously (as usual) allege.
First of all, prove it. Prove you "gone over my voting record for the last 20-plus years repeatedly". Go ahead. Oh wait, you can't. I have to take your word that you are telling the truth. You know, the same benefit you never give me when I say something your cannot refute. Any time I try to meet you halfway, you just bite the hand offered and go on barking about your moral and political superiority. All the while, deaf, blind, and dumb to the world around you, or even what people are saying to you. Given that, I don't know how you expect me to believe such nonsense.
See above, dipshit.
Originally Posted By: Pro
Originally Posted By: WB
Your infantile taunts are a perfect representation of the slanderous Left orchestrating this B.S. wall street protest. Hiugh on insults and slander, zero facts to support your claims.
Yeah, yeah...posting actual live footage of the events, that's not "fact" or anything. There's no Biased Commentator available to tell you what to think! So, no worries. You, Rex, Old Man G...you all go on sucking on your thumb and sulking. Meanwhile, the actual adults will try and work towards a better society...
Actual live footage edited by radical liberal front groups, laden with their quoted texts and ideology, that would have blended right into Red Square under Lenin or Stalin.
Some of these people even quote famous communists. As do members of the Obama administration (Mark Lloyd, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Ron Bloom) and even Obama himself has been quoted in interviews and even his own autobiography doing so:
Originally Posted By: Barack Obama
I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
You can go back through my posts over 10 years. I've said it repeatedly:
"Down with The Liberal Animals, up with Conservative Gods!"
Yes, yes, I know. We all know what you've said the last ten years. How could we forget? You're still saying it!
So fuck you hard, deep and bloody with a rusty pipe.
WOW! You have some real disturbing fantasies there, Dave. Like I said previously, not interested. I like women, not penis.
Actual live footage edited by radical liberal front groups, laden with their quoted texts and ideology, that would have blended right into Red Square under Lenin or Stalin.
LMFAO!!!! OH my god. You are in FULL 'Crazy'-mode today, aren't you? What do you take, btw? I expect something for the bi-polar disorder. What about the anger issues? Are you in counseling? Dude, that can't be good for your blood pressure. And, from what I gather, you're a lot older than me. So, be careful.
Some of these people even quote famous communists.
And we all know the indoctrination of the 1980's: Commie's are EVIL! They're godless beasts who wish to tear down civilization and wallow in the chaos of blood and sin!
God, I thought everyone had gained actual perspective since the days of the Red Scare. I forget there's still some old people that need to be weeded out of society thanks to their deep programming. Good luck, Dave.
As do members of the Obama administration (Stalin, Napolean, Hitler, Justin Bieber) and even Obama himself has been quoted in interviews and even his own autobiography doing so:
Originally Posted By: Barack Obama
I am the Anti-Christ! I have come to smear Good and laugh with Bad! I have come to take your divine 'Democracy'...forged by the mightiest anvil in heaven, by Saint Michael himself....and given thus to The White Man, so that he might crush all inferior races beneath his heel! All Hail Satan and the might of the Socialist Injustice League!!
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession 7500+ posts 19 minutes 54 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
That's impossible, JLA! Didn't you read anything Wondy said? We're all fine, we just need to support The Bankers with more money, and then Obama can be defeated and the world will return to good!
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession 7500+ posts 24 minutes 51 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
Damn. He's probably scurrying for bookmarks and trying to see how he can wedge a 300pt-font into the rant...
Anonymous 25 minutes 13 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 26 minutes 29 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 27 minutes 15 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 31 minutes 48 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 31 minutes 59 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 32 minutes 53 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 34 minutes 53 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 3 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 12 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 12 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 24 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 31 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street Anonymous 35 minutes 35 seconds ago Reading a post Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Occupy Wall Street
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession 7500+ posts Mon Oct 03 2011 02:56 PM Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
Damn. Either this is going to be really fucking long or Wondy just had a serious G-Man dementia moment...
"Batman is only meaningful as an answer to a world which in its basics is chaotic and in the hands of the wrong people, where no justice can be found. I think it's very suitable to our perception of the world's condition today... Batman embodies the will to resist evil" -Frank Miller
"Conan, what's the meaning of life?" "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!" -Conan the Barbarian
"Well, yeah." -Jason E. Perkins
"If I had a dime for every time Pariah was right about something I'd owe twenty cents." -Ultimate Jaburg53
"Fair enough. I defer to your expertise." -Prometheus