Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
We have an election 13 months away, why in hell would you want a revolution? That's just delusional.

You mean the "election" where they decide who is going to be our new figurehead? Which company buys the rights, I wonder? I mean, I remember when they bought the election in Florida at the beginning of last decade. But, then when Obama got shoehorned in by the media, you have to wonder how much they paid for him, versus McCain?

Oh wait. You still think we have FREE elections? \:lol\:

Exactly. As I've intimated in another thread, they have laid down the narrative. Regardless of what anything else in reality tells you, your GOP nom will be either Perry or Romeney and, trust me, they have been properly vetted and approved by a whole bunch of guys that don't give a fuck about you. Seriously, they do not give a fuck about you. And, nor do their puppets sent out there to give you an illusion of choice. They even try to tell you who "looks" presidential.

Here is someone who can explain it better:

Iggy you Liberal Scum!! \:lol\: