So much for the narrative... Republican presidential candidate* Buddy Roemer came out in favor of “Occupy Wall Street” on Wednesday, voicing his support for the movement that other Republican candidates have decried as harmful and distracting.
“As I continue touring college campuses throughout New Hampshire, I am reminded of all the young Americans currently taking part in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Please know that I stand by you,” Roemer said in a statement.
The protests fit well with Roemer’s presidential platform, which focuses on the corrupting influence of money in politics. Pursuant to that stance, his campaign accepts donations no larger than $100 from any individual.
“Money in politics has created institutional corruption. Both parties are guilty of taking the big check and are bought by Wall Street. My campaign is the only one that speaks out against this and I look forward to the day lobbyists are not allowed to donate to campaigns,” Roemer said in the statement.
“Wall Street grew to be a source of capital for growing companies. It has become something else: A facilitator for greed and for the selling of American jobs. Enough already,” he concluded.
Roemer’s opponents Mitt Romney and Herman Cain had far more negative takes on the protests.
“I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration. Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself!” said Cain.
“These demonstrations, I honestly don’t understand what they’re looking for,” he added.
Romney was an even harsher critic.
“I think it’s dangerous, this class warfare,” he told ABC, adding that he was “just trying to occupy the White House.”
*Emphasis mine
And, Cain and Romney sound like dicks.