I wonder if the NYPD realize they've burnt through a decade of 9/11 Goodwill from the people within about two weeks, now? What a bunch of fascistic criminals they are. This is what a Police State looks like...
Believe it or not, I agree with you about that with some of the protesters that are there. Why? Because some of them are sheep that ate up all the anti-capitalist rhetoric that Michael Moore could muster. As I've said in this thread, the movement is on the threshold if not already in the process of being co-opted by those that would seek to destroy it. Still, I am not going to paint the whole crowd red because of it.
Sure, there are suckers there that don't get that Soros means money and power for him and socialism for everyone else. Same way, IMO, quite a few TPers I know that are sucking Koch (get it?) even though I think it is quite clear that the Koch Bros don't give a shit about them. They just want more tax breaks for themselves and less protections for their miners.
And, I think that just about sums up my feeling on all of this. Both groups have been or are being co-opted. But, it won't stop me from lending my support to those I know that really stick up for the values they claim to believe in and will work with both sides for what I see as fixing this country.
No, the game is rigged. We have a one party system operating as a two party system and it's time we addressed that issue. Hopefully, peaceably.
Eloquent, as ever Iggy. Exactly what we've been saying. I hope he reads your words in a way he cannot read mine...
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution. Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Agreed. A lot of those they are beating are the ones that were pushing for first responder benefits when it was an issue that no one else wanted to touch.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Straight out Police Brutality, as ever, last night...
I see a lot of waving fists among the protestors, as they aggressively advance to try and cross a police line, and police defensively pushing them back.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution.
Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution. Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution. Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Iggy, he didn't think it up himself. He got it from FOX. Seriously, check it out below. Oh, and I DARE David to watch this video. I'd love to hear the hand-wringing, sweaty, nervous excuse-machine he comes up with...
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution. Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Iggy, he didn't think it up himself. He got it from FOX. Seriously, check it out below. Oh, and I DARE David to watch this video. I'd love to hear the hand-wringing, sweaty, nervous excuse-machine he comes up with...
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Wall Street protestors, calling for revolution.
Compared to nazis who practiced the kind of revolution these protestors call for.
Rarely has a nazi comparison been more accurate.
You have never appeared more of a fool than you do now. Straight-out "Nazi"-calling, huh? Oh wait, isn't that what you "demonize" everyone else of doing to the precious Tea Party? That's right. You do. But, I'm sure it's okay for YOU to determine it's appropriate use, eh?
Iggy, he didn't think it up himself. He got it from FOX. Seriously, check it out below. Oh, and I DARE David to watch this video. I'd love to hear the hand-wringing, sweaty, nervous excuse-machine he comes up with...
I've not heard any nazi comparisons on Fox news, nor do I need their commentary to form my own conclusions. I didn't hear any nazi comparisons by Fox in the Jon Stewart clip you posted either, although there were comparisons to the 1789 French Revolution, and the 1917 Russian Revolution by Ann Coulter, saying the Wall Street protestor remarks wer verbatim the same as these previous revolutions.
First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.
Second: TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)
WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, openly advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)
No hand wringing, no sweaty nervous excuses, just the cold hard facts, in the face of your hysteria.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Wall Street protestors, calling for revolution.
Compared to nazis who practiced the kind of revolution these protestors call for.
Rarely has a nazi comparison been more accurate.
Personally, I didn't notice the call to violence against jews, the burning of public buildings or shared brown uniforms but...whatever.
You'll never take anything that doesn't fit your own myopic worldview as anything more than demonic communism deserving of nothing but scorn. Welcome to Shillville.
First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.
Who said he is? He showed video from FOX News. Did you not watch the video? I doubt you actually did.
Second: TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)
Yeah, because if the Extremist Tea Party is known for one thing, it's being against violence. BTW, how is that Senator Palin ordered shot?
WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)
You can find an example of neither. You believe this because Hannity told you to believe it. You're a soulless shill for murdering corporations. A cowardly sheep begging to led by the nose. Your God would be ashamed of you right now. I know I am.
If FOX says, it's true. That means you're wrong and I'm Right, and I WIN and you LOSE!
You'll never take anything that doesn't fit your own myopic worldview as anything more than demonic communism deserving of nothing but scorn. Welcome to Shillville.
Welcome to what the rest of us figured out YEARS ago. The first time I spoke with David, the Wonder Dramaqueen, he was ranting and raving about something to do with the JSA, I think, on the DCMessage Boards. I stated my disagreement with his position, and moved on. The dude then proceeded to hound me over, and over, and over in that thread, crying in HUGE, BOLDED, CAPSLOCKED rants about how no one had ever been so "vicious" and he wouldn't stand for me "insulting" him, or something. Then, Aussie Dave came in and tooled on him awhile. I laughed and forgot about him. Then, he popped up here, much to everyone's dismay. From there on out it's been nothing but Crazyville with him. Like a bi-polar child bouncing off the walls at imaginary boogeymen out to get his way of life.
Now, we all just use him as a sort of a joke, here. When you need a dog to fetch a bone for entertainment, just throw one out at him. As you can see, he goes foam-at-the-mouth instantly...
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Wall Street protestors, calling for revolution.
Compared to nazis who practiced the kind of revolution these protestors call for.
Rarely has a nazi comparison been more accurate.
Personally, I didn't notice the call to violence against jews, the burning of public buildings or shared brown uniforms but...whatever.
You'll never take anything that doesn't fit your own myopic worldview as anything more than demonic communism deserving of nothing but scorn. Welcome to Shillville.
I DID notice the repeated open calls for violent revolution by the Wall Street protestors (which both you and Pro openly cheered).
Calling me myopic doesn't hide your own clear myopia in cheering violence and prematurely calling for the rejection of Constitutional rule of law, and open revolution in the streets.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
I've not heard any nazi comparisons on Fox news, nor do I need their commentary to form my own conclusions. I didn't hear any nazi comparisons by Fox in the Jon Stewart clip you posted either
Well, that proves you didn't watch the video then.
Iggy, he didn't think it up himself. He got it from FOX. Seriously, check it out below. Oh, and I DARE David to watch this video. I'd love to hear the hand-wringing, sweaty, nervous excuse-machine he comes up with...
I've not heard any nazi comparisons on Fox news, nor do I need their commentary to form my own conclusions. I didn't hear any nazi comparisons by Fox in the Jon Stewart clip you posted either, although there were comparisons to the 1789 French Revolution, and the 1917 Russian Revolution by Ann Coulter, saying the Wall Street protestor remarks wer verbatim the same as these previous revolutions.
First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.
Second: TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)
WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, openly advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)
No hand wringing, no sweaty nervous excuses, just the cold hard facts, in the face of your hysteria.
Actually, I think Ann says pretty clearly that "with slight revisions when the Nazis came to power" at the three minute mark.
I DID notice the repeated open calls for violent revolution by the Wall Street protestors (which both you and Pro openly cheered).
You keep saying that, and yet cannot prove it. So, stop boring us.
Calling me myopic doesn't hide your own clear myopia in cheering violence and prematurely calling for the rejection of Constitutional rule of law, and open revolution in the streets.
You would be considered an enemy-sympathizer during the American Revolution. A Red Coat supporter, as it were. You would be the first against the wall, you know.
You'll never take anything that doesn't fit your own myopic worldview as anything more than demonic communism deserving of nothing but scorn. Welcome to Shillville.
Welcome to what the rest of us figured out YEARS ago. The first time I spoke with David, the Wonder Dramaqueen, he was ranting and raving about something to do with the JSA, I think, on the DCMessage Boards. I stated my disagreement with his position, and moved on. The dude then proceeded to hound me over, and over, and over in that thread, crying in HUGE, BOLDED, CAPSLOCKED rants about how no one had ever been so "vicious" and he wouldn't stand for me "insulting" him, or something. Then, Aussie Dave came in and tooled on him awhile. I laughed and forgot about him. Then, he popped up here, much to everyone's dismay. From there on out it's been nothing but Crazyville with him. Like a bi-polar child bouncing off the walls at imaginary boogeymen out to get his way of life.
Now, we all just use him as a sort of a joke, here. When you need a dog to fetch a bone for entertainment, just throw one out at him. As you can see, he goes foam-at-the-mouth instantly...
I don't even remember your humiliation and ass-bleeding on the DC message boards 10 years ago, that you're still crying about.
You certainly use bold and caps on a regular basis, and then hypocritically chastise me for emphasizing points in a similar manner.
Your calls for violent revolution here manifest a delusional paranoia beyond anything you could even try to accuse me of.
My calm presentation of the facts, vs. your bouncing-off-the-walls infantile name-calling and hysteria. What you try to spin here doesn't change that.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Yes, yes, I know we've been tossing you around for a decade now, Dave. And I don't know why you come back, either. No one likes or care what you have to say. But, if it gives you purpose in your sad, little cubicle, then go ahead and keep coming back. I'll try not to leave any permanent scars...
First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.
Who said he is? He showed video from FOX News. Did you not watch the video? I doubt you actually did.
Second: TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)
Yeah, because if the Extremist Tea Party is known for one thing, it's being against violence. BTW, how is that Senator Palin ordered shot?
WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)
You can find an example of neither. You believe this because Hannity told you to believe it. You're a soulless shill for murdering corporations. A cowardly sheep begging to led by the nose. Your God would be ashamed of you right now. I know I am.
If FOX says, it's true. That means you're wrong and I'm Right, and I WIN and you LOSE!
You constantly have to ad-lib edit my posts and put words in my mouth to get things in the context that rationalize your lies and distorted worldview.
Only by this kind of deceit can you create the illusion of a winning argument.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
I DID notice the repeated open calls for violent revolution by the Wall Street protestors (which both you and Pro openly cheered).
You keep saying that, and yet cannot prove it. So, stop boring us.
Calling me myopic doesn't hide your own clear myopia in cheering violence and prematurely calling for the rejection of Constitutional rule of law, and open revolution in the streets.
You would be considered an enemy-sympathizer during the American Revolution. A Red Coat supporter, as it were. You would be the first against the wall, you know.
That doesn't even make sense.
Your anti-capitalist calls for bypassing Constitutional free market capitalism, in favor of marxist revolution, is "patriotic"?
While my supporting our Constitutional freedoms and democracy would make me an "enemy sympathizer"?
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession 7500+ posts 12 minutes 37 seconds ago Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Yes, yes, I know we've been tossing you around for a decade now, Dave. And I don't know why you come back, either. No one likes or care what you have to say. But, if it gives you purpose in your sad, little cubicle, then go ahead and keep coming back. I'll try not to leave any permanent scars...
In your dreams, Pro.
I've repeatedly disproven your ill-conceived calls for marxist revolution, and the treasonous source of where that 1960's-forward Frankurt School communist revolution rhetoric comes from.
And yet the Democrats who caused it (with the able assitance of the pro-Obama media) ironically blamed the collapse on the Republicans, and their propagaanda won the 2008 election for Obama and the Democrats. And enabled Dodd, Obama and Barney Frank to perpetuate and deepen the cracks in the system that they blamed on the Republicans! (I concede that both parties --Greenspan, Bernanke, Republicans in congress not pushing back more aggressively-- had some hand in the collapse, but Republicans have taken a disproportionate share of the blame, and these Democrats --who are continuing the same Fannie/Freddie practices and subsidies of inefficiency that caused the meltdown in the first place-- have gotten a free pass, even as they push us toward an even greater economic meltdown)
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.