Believe it or not, I agree with you about that with some of the protesters that are there. Why? Because some of them are sheep that ate up all the anti-capitalist rhetoric that Michael Moore could muster. As I've said in this thread, the movement is on the threshold if not already in the process of being co-opted by those that would seek to destroy it. Still, I am not going to paint the whole crowd red because of it.
Sure, there are suckers there that don't get that Soros means money and power for him and socialism for everyone else. Same way, IMO, quite a few TPers I know that are sucking Koch (get it?) even though I think it is quite clear that the Koch Bros don't give a shit about them. They just want more tax breaks for themselves and less protections for their miners.
And, I think that just about sums up my feeling on all of this. Both groups have been or are being co-opted. But, it won't stop me from lending my support to those I know that really stick up for the values they claim to believe in and will work with both sides for what I see as fixing this country.
No, the game is rigged. We have a one party system operating as a two party system and it's time we addressed that issue. Hopefully, peaceably.
Eloquent, as ever Iggy. Exactly what we've been saying. I hope he reads your words in a way he cannot read mine...
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution.
Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!