Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.

Who said he is? He showed video from FOX News. Did you not watch the video? I doubt you actually did.

TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)

Yeah, because if the Extremist Tea Party is known for one thing, it's being against violence. BTW, how is that Senator Palin ordered shot? \:lol\:

WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)

You can find an example of neither. You believe this because Hannity told you to believe it. You're a soulless shill for murdering corporations. A cowardly sheep begging to led by the nose. Your God would be ashamed of you right now. I know I am.

If FOX says, it's true. That means you're wrong and I'm Right, and I WIN and you LOSE!

\:lol\: \:lol\:
