You'll never take anything that doesn't fit your own myopic worldview as anything more than demonic communism deserving of nothing but scorn. Welcome to Shillville.
Welcome to what the rest of us figured out YEARS ago. The first time I spoke with David, the Wonder Dramaqueen, he was ranting and raving about something to do with the JSA, I think, on the DCMessage Boards. I stated my disagreement with his position, and moved on. The dude then proceeded to hound me over, and over, and over in that thread, crying in
HUGE, BOLDED, CAPSLOCKED rants about how no one had ever been so "vicious" and he wouldn't stand for me "insulting" him, or something. Then, Aussie Dave came in and tooled on him awhile. I laughed and forgot about him. Then, he popped up here, much to everyone's dismay. From there on out it's been nothing but Crazyville with him. Like a bi-polar child bouncing off the walls at imaginary boogeymen out to get his way of life.

Now, we all just use him as a sort of a joke, here. When you need a dog to fetch a bone for entertainment, just throw one out at him. As you can see, he goes foam-at-the-mouth instantly...