Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Iggy, he didn't think it up himself. He got it from FOX. Seriously, check it out below. Oh, and I DARE David to watch this video. I'd love to hear the hand-wringing, sweaty, nervous excuse-machine he comes up with...

I've not heard any nazi comparisons on Fox news, nor do I need their commentary to form my own conclusions. I didn't hear any nazi comparisons by Fox in the Jon Stewart clip you posted either, although there were comparisons to the 1789 French Revolution, and the 1917 Russian Revolution by Ann Coulter, saying the Wall Street protestor remarks wer verbatim the same as these previous revolutions.

First off, Jon Stewart is neither non-partisan, nor a journalist offering any facts.

TEA PARTY: advocating fiscal responsibility, Constitutional rule of law, and protesting in a civil and responsible way (not rioting)

WALL STREET PROTESTORS: anti-capitalist, rushing bridges and police barricades, openly advocating violent revolution (which you and Iggy both openly praise)

No hand wringing, no sweaty nervous excuses, just the cold hard facts, in the face of your hysteria.

Actually, I think Ann says pretty clearly that "with slight revisions when the Nazis came to power" at the three minute mark.

Shill, Davey. Shill.