Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.

But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.

So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution.
Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!

Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.