And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Wonder Boy content User rex's personal obsession 7500+ posts Thu Oct 06 2011 02:49 PM Making a new reply Forum: Politics and Current Events Thread: Re: Occupy Wall Street
Mann Coulter clearly mentions the Nazis at the 3:00 minute mark. You've yet to address that, Dave.
I have other places I need to be.
I watched all 9-plus minutes of it and mentioned what I saw.
But even if Coulter did make a nazi comparison, my comparing violent rhetoric to violent nazis is my own view, and not something I saw on Fox News, or parroted from Fox news.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
Likewise on the Right. I don't see any splinter groups gaining traction when the urgent imperative is to beat Obama. I see Romney as potentially the Bill Clinton of the Right, who will pragmatically move to the center and not be any more partisan than he has to in order to win the base and get the nomination, before moving to the center to win independents, and the election. Romney is my guy.
Wow. Shilling for the finance industry even after calling out Obama for getting so much money from them. I'm sure they are glad to know that they still have you completed snowed.
Mann Coulter clearly mentions the Nazis at the 3:00 minute mark. You've yet to address that, Dave.
I have other places I need to be.
I watched all 9-plus minutes of it and mentioned what I saw.
But even if Coulter did make a nazi comparison, my comparing violent rhetoric to violent nazis is my own view, and not something I saw on Fox News, or parroted from Fox news.
It was in the same part you mentioned where she brings up 1789 and Russian Revolution. Egad, you're being pathetically evasive!
Originally Posted By: "Wonder Boy: An Odyssey In Crazy" by Prometheus
In your dreams, Pro.
Originally Posted By: CRAZY
I've repeatedly disproven ill-conceived marxist revolution treasonous 1960's-forward Frankurt School communist revolution rhetoric It is not capitalism that is failing, it is the liberal-Democrat/socialist undermining of our free-market democracy that is causing the failures. Specifically Barney Frank, Maxine Waters ACORN, Democrats Democrats rammed Republicans free market imposed liberal social engineering Democrat party lines evil heartless meanies Democrats who caused it pro-Obama media propagaanda Obama and the Democrats Dodd, Obama and Barney Frank Republicans!
Originally Posted By: David, fellow human, surfaces briefly...
(I concede that both parties --Greenspan, Bernanke, Republicans in congress not pushing back more aggressively-- had some hand in the collapse
Likewise on the Right. I don't see any splinter groups gaining traction when the urgent imperative is to beat Obama. I see Romney as potentially the Bill Clinton of the Right, who will pragmatically move to the center and not be any more partisan than he has to in order to win the base and get the nomination, before moving to the center to win independents, and the election. Romney is my guy.
Wow. Shilling for the finance industry even after calling out Obama for getting so much money from them. I'm sure they are glad to know that they still have you completed snowed.
That's not what I said.
I said Romney promises to be a candidate not locked into conservative ideology, who would be flexible enough to do what's best for the country, rather than rigidly clinging to ideology of a hardline conservative political base.
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
How many times is this exact thing going to happen to you, David? You are always "so surprised" that others suddenly think you're nuts. How many times does this have to happen before consoling yourself with, "Oh, they must be {insert excuse here}!" just isn't enough to keep the reality of the facts at bay? Bastid. Aussie Dave. Iggy. Doc. Knut. Joe. G-Man. JLA. Phil. BSAMS. Mxy. Ray. Me! How many before you actually start to go, "Hmmm....maybe.....maybe it's me..."?
Knock-Knock, David. That's reality trying to get in. Open the door.
Mann Coulter clearly mentions the Nazis at the 3:00 minute mark. You've yet to address that, Dave.
I have other places I need to be.
I watched all 9-plus minutes of it and mentioned what I saw.
But even if Coulter did make a nazi comparison, my comparing violent rhetoric to violent nazis is my own view, and not something I saw on Fox News, or parroted from Fox news.
It was in the same part you mentioned where she brings up 1789 and Russian Revolution. Egad, you're being pathetically evasive!
I'm not evading anything. I didn't hear it!
I posted my own opinion, and didn't parrot something from Fox News.
I watched all 9-plus minutes of it and mentioned what I saw.
But even if Coulter did make a nazi comparison, my comparing violent rhetoric to violent nazis is my own view, and not something I saw on Fox News, or parroted from Fox news.
It was in the same part you mentioned where she brings up 1789 and Russian Revolution. Egad, you're being pathetically evasive!
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
How many times is this exact thing going to happen to you, David? You are always "so surprised" that others suddenly think you're nuts. How many times does this have to happen before consoling yourself with, "Oh, they must be {insert excuse here}!" just isn't enough to keep the reality of the facts at bay? Bastid. Aussie Dave. Iggy. Doc. Knut. Joe. G-Man. JLA. Phil. BSAMS. Mxy. Ray. Me! How many before you actually start to go, "Hmmm....maybe.....maybe it's me..."?
Knock-Knock, David. That's reality trying to get in. Open the door.
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
How many times is this exact thing going to happen to you, David? You are always "so surprised" that others suddenly think you're nuts. How many times does this have to happen before consoling yourself with, "Oh, they must be {insert excuse here}!" just isn't enough to keep the reality of the facts at bay? Bastid. Aussie Dave. Iggy. Doc. Knut. Joe. G-Man. JLA. Phil. BSAMS. Mxy. Ray. Me! How many before you actually start to go, "Hmmm....maybe.....maybe it's me..."?
Knock-Knock, David. That's reality trying to get in. Open the door.
We've been over this before, many times. You like to roll out this list of posters allegedly endorsing your ideology and rejecting mine. When in truth (except for a leftie or two who actually does agree with you) G-man, Sammitch, Knut, Joe, SOM, etc., are either chastising me for taking the bait regardless of the content, or trolling, or (in Sammitch's case) railing me for being too "strident" (despite his own intensity in said comments). In one topic. One.
You again deceitfully try to bend the truth to conform to your opinion.
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
How many times is this exact thing going to happen to you, David? You are always "so surprised" that others suddenly think you're nuts. How many times does this have to happen before consoling yourself with, "Oh, they must be {insert excuse here}!" just isn't enough to keep the reality of the facts at bay? Bastid. Aussie Dave. Iggy. Doc. Knut. Joe. G-Man. JLA. Phil. BSAMS. Mxy. Ray. Me! How many before you actually start to go, "Hmmm....maybe.....maybe it's me..."?
Knock-Knock, David. That's reality trying to get in. Open the door.
Way to piggyback on comments that weren't even accurate.
And, on finally calling Dave a shill, it was a long time coming. I just figured I'd try the nice and fair route first because I think, deep down, he still might be an okay guy. Still, so much for all that effort.
Because I don't fall in line with your opinionated version of the truth, and endorse revolution and the abandonment of Constitutional rule of law.
You're entitled to your opinion. But when you ram it down my throat and tell me I'm a "shill" for not agreeing with your questionable interpretaion of the facts, that's far from fair or objective.
How many times is this exact thing going to happen to you, David? You are always "so surprised" that others suddenly think you're nuts. How many times does this have to happen before consoling yourself with, "Oh, they must be {insert excuse here}!" just isn't enough to keep the reality of the facts at bay? Bastid. Aussie Dave. Iggy. Doc. Knut. Joe. G-Man. JLA. Phil. BSAMS. Mxy. Ray. Me! How many before you actually start to go, "Hmmm....maybe.....maybe it's me..."?
Knock-Knock, David. That's reality trying to get in. Open the door.
You could likewise argue that the National Socialists in Hitler's Germany had some valid points or social benefit to the nation.
But the reality is, the Nazis were so dominantly defined by anti-semitism, violent intimidation and genocide that it becomes ridiculous to even try to argue that there was any positive side to the Nazis.
So it is with these nut-job protestors, whose arguments are so deeply rooted in anti-capitalist class-warfare, anti-Americanism, and pointless advocacy of marxist revolution. Far from the allegedly co-opted transformation of the protests, these are the bedrock elements that both you and Iggy have openly praised!
Full context. Nazi comparisons. Congrats, you are no less demonizing than those you so often accuse of...well...demonizing.
Even the finance/insurance/real estate industry has macroscopically went decidedly red and for Romney in this cycle. Including Obama's "buddies" over at Goldman-Sachs.
Even the finance/insurance/real estate industry has macroscopically went decidedly red and for Romney in this cycle. Including Obama's "buddies" over at Goldman-Sachs.
...You like to roll out this listas endorsing your ideology and rejecting mine. When in truth (except for a leftie or two who actually does agree with you) G-man, Sammitch, Knut, Joe, SOM, etc., are either chastising me for taking the bait regardless of the content, or trolling, or (in Sammitch's case) railing me for being too "strident" (despite his own intensity in said comments)...
I'm sort of taking a vacation from posting this forum for a while, but before I go I figure I ought to address this one. the reason I 'railed' (damn but you have some fucked-up fantasies, man) you for your tone is because there is a very real difference between you and I.
I don't know why my name got included in there. I riff on people based on RKMBs injokes (e.g. reax is a basement dweller, Lothar is gay, Joe likes food, Pro is bald and gay for Doctor Who, Wondy likes penis etc.), not because of Politics or personal vendetta. In fact, the people Wondy has listed has differing views on stuff. I know Sammitch and Pro are sometimes on opposite sides when it comes to politics and religion, and the recent 911 conspiracy discussion put me and Pro on separate sides (basically, I was against whatever side Pro is in. Because I want his wife.)
I don't think the media wants to tweak how real this thing is. It ain't Woodstock and it's not a fad. If it can maintain it's own course and not get co-opted, then there's genuine hope for some success...