Originally Posted By: Pariah
A week and a half ago I was driving along one day doing a favor for my friend and dropping off a few letters while he was running errands. Unfortunately, My back window was hit with a hub cap that came from a guy speeding behind me.

He crashed. I laughed.

Anyway, luckily for me, said friend was in the car fixing business. Un-luckily for me, he was all the way over in a certain city a long way from Mission Viejo (sorry guys, hex on the names). Luckily for me no one was going to miss the car that day. Un-luckily for me, I had dropped in on his shop while he was running his "errand". I showed up while he was talking to around ten Mexican guys who weren't making it a secret that they were packing guns. I showed up while he was doing them the favor of putting boxes in the back of their trucks. They saw me park really close to them and pointed their their guns. I, of course, was like "Don't shoot!" I think they were about to open fire till Chris stepped in and said "he's cool" (at least I think that's what he said. It was in Spanish and I speak Japanese, not Spanish). Anyway, I told him about the car and he said he'd fix it tonight. While that was happening I waited in his rest room where, coincidentally, a couple of the homies.

Note: It had become clear to me a few moments before that these jerks were apart of a Drug Cartel. The tats they had, the guns they were holstering, and the boxes so obviously filled with drugs (after one fell open) made this rather apparent.

Anyway, they started talking to me in the upbeat and friendly yet intimidating manner that you'd expect from the charming but deadly (and media crazy as well as syphilis infested) Al Capone. I'm not one to be intimdated very easily in any situation even after being called a "limp dicked white bread" in the most friendly of tones. I just gave em' a big toothy (and rather disjointed) toothy grin (much like the one you see in my avatar). When they got the impression that I wasn't as scared as they wanted me to be, one started playing with his gun (a BEAUTIFUL Desert Eagle which I don't think he had an inkling of an idea of how to use properly). This was opposed to the other one who got a bit more hostile with me. Anyway, skip a few insults and friendly apathetic nods later, my philosophy of "words are merely words" kicked in and I called him a spik just for the hell of it.

Why did I have to be so stupid?

At that point, he pulled out a knife (again, a BEAUTIFUL butterfly knife with a Damascus steal blade). He held it to my throat while the other guy playing with his gun just started laughing. At that point I just started glaring at him as he made a few cuts while pressing into my jugular(sp). Then (from the impression I got) the head of the gang who broke up this little skirmish--Possible murder case (who's would be death is debatable <img src="/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> ). He was like "chill out" to the guy with the blade (Spanish again), he then walked over to me giving me a tone of comfort and just using captain subtext to try and make me keep my mouth shut in the near future. He handed me a total of 500 dollars, and left with his peon jerk-wads.

It was an hour later (after the gang left) that my window was fixed and I was going to say adieu to my friend. I kinda told him I couldn't do him any more favors/I can't talk to him ever again. He understood and we parted.

On my way back to the house (which was going to take 5 hours) my paranoid borderline schizophrenic mind started going into overdrive. I kept thinking thoughts like, "They saw my face--They saw my car--They could have copied down my license plate number--What if they got my name some how--Maybe they're going to follow me back to my house (this has happend before)". It was because of this little bout of aimless thinking that I led myself to believe for a WEAK STRAIGHT--That I was being hunted down. On the highway back home I noticed a car that was on my tail for a very long time. I kept having thoughts like "it could be them" and shit, so I tested this out and did a U-Turn. To my freaking outness, they U-turned as well. So, they were back on my tail. At that point I got a bit nervous and tried to think rationally. But nope, no rationality here. The border of Arizona wasn't that far away, I had enough money to keep me moving for a while, a laptop, and a full tank of gas. So I made it to the border, stopped for a bit to gather myself and see if that car was still there. It wasn't, but that wasn't enough for me it seemed. I just kept going. I didn't use a phone the whole time when I really should have, didn't try to call home--I didn't do anything that would have me spewing out info about myself and be implicating this humble chauvanist.

Long story short: Went across Arizona and New Mexico, stayed there for a while, decided I was okay, then came back a few days ago.

Note: I did go to the police, but mainly just with names I had heard mentioned from the (who I still think to be) Cartel.

Yep, another one of Pariah's bad days. Stick around long enough and I'll tell you more bad days. More EXTREMELY bad days. <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

Anyway, God hates me. Peace.

"Are you eating it...or is it eating you?"

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