Okay, sorry for the wait folks. The wife and I got caught up in tangential discussions of posts, wall street protests, and whether Davies or Moffat is the superior Who writer. Seriously. What can I say? It is Chianti night? \:\)

Anyway, Dave, I don't dislike you. If anything, honestly, I kinda wish you could take all the rage and direct it at something other than liberals. But, no. It is like you are set on saying "sure Bush, banks, Republicans, etc... share some blame but...DIRTY COMMIE LIBERALS!!!" Sure, I'll give you that just as many libs are guilty of this mess as conservatives are. Still, it's like you can't accept that most of the Republicans that were there for most of the Bush years and are equally to blame for this are STILL FUCKING THERE. I thought that was what the Tea Party was about, getting rid of the problem. But, no, we sold ourselves to the GOP in return for "getting rid of Obama." Honestly, for a time, I was too.

Then, I "saw the light" as it were. It wasn't just Obama. It was the system. Look at how tightly controlled the debates have been since Perot. You are either in on the game or you aren't. Guess what, you and I aren't in the game or--at best--we're pawns. I didn't turn against the system, the system turned against me. And, I won't be apologetic about wanting to change it.

But, none of that started for me in November of 2008. Sure, you weren't there so you just have to take my word for it but one of the reasons Whomod posted at the Insurgency was because I agreed a lot with what he said about Bush. We'd have our fights over paleocon vs neocon, sure. But, at the end of the day, we both knew Dubya was full of shit. Then, The Great Failed Raid of 2008...

I betrayed the team and I didn't fall for "Hope and Change." Then, I showed shared interest and--even--kinship with the Tea Party. I backed and still back many members of it. But, I then saw how much the Tea Party was getting action on FoxNews. The same "news operation" that all but sucked Dubya's dick. I watched Bill Kristol, the one man I thought should always stand against the TP, push its virtues against the "evil socialist." But, that's the thing, Obama ain't a socialist. He's no less a sucker of Wall Street cock than Bush was. The entire narrative is a fake. A lie.

Now, on to the Wall Street protests, I agree with them because there are people left, right, and center taking part. Kinda like when Tea Parties started in late 2008. Sure, there are a lot of people their wanting to co-opt it for the left like it is Tea Party 2.0 or "The Tea Party of the Left" but, there are also people there fighting against that. People saying let's not let this become the fodder of MSNBC, Current, or whatever. There are "Paulites" down there right now talking to people about the Federal Reserve. Other erstwhile conservatives getting hit with nightsticks. Why? Because shit is fucked. We, the people, hate each other. They, our overlords, get together and play golf. I'm not some kind of leftist Marxist. I didn't run to the streets declaring class warfare. The inward looking "elites" of this nation declared class warfare against us.

They've taken over both parties. They co-opt any movement that challenges them from whichever side from which they think that movement comes. And, the play us off against each other in a vicious cycle that leaves us all broken, fractured, and unable to stand against them.

I'm not bowing down to kiss international corporate ass: Murdoch, Soros, or otherwise. I'm not turning Marxist. I'm not going rogue. I'm not backing down. I'm standing up for America. Feel free to join me now or neo-serfdom later.