Can somebody please explain what's happening to me? What are they going to do?
All I know so far is the ff:
- They are protesting
- Against wall street/bankers/corporate people
Other than that, I know nothing.
- What exactly do they want to happen?
- and how are they going to achieve it?
I mean, with the protests in here, people are always clear about what they want. It's usually to get some fucker to step down or to veto a specific tax or lower the price of a specific commodity. And they try to achieve it by inconveniencing people or stopping services that will inconvenience people until they are noticed. Also, there are times when things get violent (this is the one that's more likely to get results.)
You want a serious answer? They made their initial list of complaints, demands. It's on page2, or on the first page of the Rob's Poli Thread in the Random Chat forum. It's a laundry list of wide complaints. I think everyone agrees they need to focus.
As far as what they hope to accomplish? Dunno. I imagine they're going to try and out-wait "The Man" and push politicians to make some consents that force the top 2% to pay their fair share of taxes. That seems to be the main complain I keep hearing. And, if they have to pick one, that's the one I'd agree with the most...