Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm trying to be conciliatory here. Probably like yourself, I'm less aware sometimes of my own button-pushing excesses.

That's actually very nice of you, David. Very nice.

But y'know, accusations of being a pedophile, implying homosexuality, racist, child molester, wife-beater, etc., in the right context they can be funny and in a clear playful context, but other times they can also be less playful, and very hard to take lightly.

Hmmm......fair enough. I know I troll you on being a racist, and yes, I've implied you are gay (that's not necessarily a bad thing, you know). But, the rest I think you get a lot from others. Of course, that's never stopped me from picking on you if I see an opening.

Tell you what: I will attempt(!) to reign in how hard I rail on you. I'll try to keep the taunts political.

Now, when you get riled in a political thread, I'm going to do my normal thing. It's up to you to take the bait or not. However, I'll leave you alone outside of this forum, and treat you like everyone else. That sound fair?