Originally Posted By: iggy

What Rex and the maker of that picture don't understand is that most occupiers and supporters don't hate corporations in general. The BMW in Greer, for example, provides a lot of well paying jobs to South Carolinians and run an automobile plant almost, if not completely, on environmentally sound energy. Why would I hate on that?

Nike shoes, on the other hand, offshored most of their work to places where they could engage in horrific labor and environmental practices. So, you know, fuck Nike. And, don't get me wrong, I hate it. I love Chuck Taylor's. But, I'm principled enough to know that until they change their practices I can never rock the Converse All-Stars again.

Same goes with the banks. I don't hate all banks. There are plenty of good local/regional banks, credit unions, and savings & loans that didn't take part in the madness that led to the 2008 meltdown. I don't hate them. I love them. I took my money out of a big bank and to them.

Generally, I found that most anti-corporatists know exactly what they are talking about and practice, as best they can, what they preach.

Finally, fuck Starbucks. Fuck Startbucks with an arsenic laced, spike covered telephone pole. Starbucks sucks. Support your local coffeehouse. Support your local roasters. Support South American farmers.

Respectfully, many MANY of these people interviewed say that capitalism is evil, and they want to destroy our capitalist system.
Not a few corrupt excesses within a good capitalist system. Destroy capitalism.

The youtube videos, and more slickly edited video and blogs that Pro pasted here on the first few pages of this topic are testament to that.

And like I said, most of these people clearly voted for Obama, and clearly would again.
Obama, the guy who gained his greatest 2008 presidential support from the Wall Street firms these hippie dupes are protesting.

I'm not saying there aren't some valid issues raised about offshoring jobs, declining opportunities, responsibility not shared for the mortgage collapse and resulting financial crisis.
But I am saying this is being hijacked by the Left to demonize many on the Right who aren't to blame, while whitewashing folks like Dodd, Frank, Pelosi, Reid, Soros, GE, Pfizer, ACORN, SEIU and others who legislated, lobbied, intimidated, or took the bribes that led us to our current situation.

"Faux News", contrary to what you said on the opening pages of this topic about "never reporting" this, has contributed a significant portion of every hour i've watched them in the last 10 days or so to covering these rallies, and a considerable amount of that time has been given to defenders of the movement like Juan Williams, Kristen Powers, and Alan Colmes, who have passionately argued on FOX about the validity of the issues raised by the protestors, whatever their other flaws.
I daresay FOX News has been the only network to truly give equal representation to both sides of the argument.