This is the interview FAUXNews was afraid to air...
FAUXNews Corporate Mouthpiece? Spanked!
1) you call for non-partisanship, but then leap to portray "Faux News" as evil conservative propaganda, despite that they have given extensive coverage to the protestors, and even liberal commentator opinion detailing the POV supporting the protestors.
Please post any and all clips available showing where said channel supports the protestors and movement of Occupy Wall Street. Seriously. I'd love to see that.
Just turn on Fox News!
Like I said, it's a fair portion of every hour I've watched the channel. And I listed some of the liberal commentators I've seen defend the movement.
The fact that you are so immune to the notion that Fox could possibly give fair coverage, or any coverage, of the protestors, speaks volumes about your own partisan biases.
Originally Posted By: Pro
Originally Posted By: WB
2) to borrow a word from Lothar, this guy is clearly a shithead. He offers no facts to support his arguments. Michael Moore-like, he starts with a tiny grain of truth, that there was a financial collapse in 2008, and weaves a factless pseudo-intellectual fantasy rant beyond that point.
Why didn't they air this one, then? If they're "fair and balanced", as you and others suggest, then what did it matter if they aired this? You claim it's fantasy and all, but I think it's truth. It's a sad, painful truth that we've all been taken advantage of by our government and corrupt corporations.
I don't know why they didn't air it. They may have aired it and I just didn't see it.
But they certainly didn't avoid airing it because this guy presented any facts or persuasive argument of the protests, or the evils of conservatism, or the evils of Fox news. He ranted a bunch of one-liners and snotty opinion, that you are only persuaded by be3cause you already agree. What exactly should Fox be afraid of. If memory serves, the guy interviewing is Griff Jenkins, and I think he normally appears on Greta Van Susteren. Possibly run during other shows.
Originally Posted By: WB
The guy is just a defiant child, a perfect poster-boy for the angry Left.
Originally Posted By: Pro
And yet the guy was calm, clear, direct, well-spoken, and made some very good points.
In your opinion. Not mine. He was unnecessarily snotty, accusing and confrontational with the guy who was holding a microphone to get his opinion. He was a clear partisan, just getting in his factless one-liner digs at Fox and Republicans.
Originally Posted By: Pro
I think you feel insulted because he took FAU--...Fox News to task. And you root for Fox, get most (if not all) your information from there, and defend it whenever anyone points out just how biased it actually, truly is. So, to point, I disagree completely. If he made you so irritated, then it's probably because he was saying some truth you don't want to accept.
Fine. We agree to disagree. I see it as a guy who was rattling off snotty remarks that sound credible, but require about 100 words each to present the true facts and prove false. For example, "Glenn Beck called the president a racist". If you were a regular Glenn Beck viewer (and that is probably the show i watched most frequently on Fox) you would have seen one day Beck presenting facts of Obama's specific actions related to social justice and black liberation theology, where he said "I'm sorry, but putting these facts together, I can only come to the conclusion that Obama is a racist". Which even in that context he said factually and respectfully, and it was clear he was presenting it as his opinion on the facts as he knew them. But the very next day on his own show, and later in the week on O'Reilly and other shows, Beck apologized and said that at that moment he saw it that way, but now Obama's motivations are clearly ideological (socialism, anti-colonialism) and not racial. This demonstrator misrepresents Beck to hold the eternal opinion that Obama is a racist. But in truth Beck only voiced that opinion for at most a day, as he wrestled with the facts as they became known about Obama.
Similarly, each of the points raised by this shithead protestor can be disproven. He espoused a lot of highly opinionated opinion, that you obviously agree with beforehand, in the absence of any facts presented. And you further enjoy that --your opinion-- he "PWN'D", or whatever, Fox News. All I see is a snot with no facts being a jerk.
Originally Posted By: Pro
Now, go out and really look at FOX News, read as many diverse takes on the subject as possible, and then ask yourself: How can you be part of 90% of the world that believes in a God, and simultaneously one of the 10% of the world that believes FOX News is actually, honestly unbiased? {/quote]
Because of your own biases against Fox. The fact is, Fox is the highest rated cable news network, for like 10 years. And those numbers have only increased since Obama became president, and more viewers have rejected the partisan coverage of the other networks.
Fox news, for example was praised by the Center for Journalistic Excellence for having the most balanced 2008 presidential coverage. It was 41% positive coverage each, for both McCain and Obama. The other networks it was way more slanted in Obama's favor. It is only relative to other networks' partisan coverage that Fox --relative to the other networks-- is more conservatively biased.
That doesn't correlate with me. The 10% state that FOX is "fair and balanced". But, they never seem to be able to point to anything to prove it. Whereas, I can show you this:
<div style="background-color:#000000;width:520px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="">The Daily Show with Jon Stewart</a></b><br/>Get More: <a href=''>Daily Show Full Episodes</a>,<a href=''>Political Humor & Satire Blog</a>,<a href=''>The Daily Show on Facebook</a></p></div></div>
Not to mention the video above they didn't air.
Be serious! You show a 20-second out of context clip from the Daily Show (a clearly liberal centerpiece of clearly liberal network that never misses an opportunity to bash Fox News, or to bash Republicans in general as ignorant backward inbred so-and-so's) and that's supposed to prove something? (Beyond your own prejudices, going to comedy central to look up clips that support your preconcieved biases?
And regarding FoX News being my primary source for news, I've made it quite clear that from 1981-forward, my news of choice has been the PBS News Hour. Although in 2008-2009, because of selective omission of facts about Obama in election coverage, nonexisstent coverage of the ACORN story on PBS, and similar distortions, I do watch Fox more now than prior to that.
But I also often post other sources, and still watch the News Hour.
An example of PBS bias from 2 days ago: FOX NEWS: Sen McConnell on the Senate floor, answering Obama's calls for a vote on his Jobs Bill, said okay, right now, let's have a vote! But Harry Reid tabled the bill, because he knows that it not only faces opposition from Republicans, but because a majority of Democrat Senators won't vote for it either. So rather than lose, Reid tabled the bill. PBS NEWS HOUR (Kwame Holman, same story) Sen Mitchell answered Obama's call for a vote on his Jobs Bill saying let's vote on it today. Sen Reid said elected not to vote on the Jobs Bill, because he said there was other pressing legislation that was a greater priority...
Do you see the difference? Fox gave the proper perspective of what was really at stake and that the bill did not have Democrat support. And PBS just completely glossed over and selectively omitted that important part of the story!
Originally Posted By: Pro
So, I ask again...not to derail the topic of the thread....but how can you prove FOX News to be "fair and balanced"? You have videos showing as much?
As I said, every time they list statistics on percentage of stories, Fox does prove to have balanced coverage. Even within their editorial programs, they have liberal commentary. I don't have to search for clips, it's right there for you to see, 24 hours a day.
Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.
EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.