Lothar, I take it you believe the original Tea Partiers were shitheads, as well? They didn't just disrupt traffic and business. They occupied a private entity's boat and destroyed its property by dumping it into Boston fucking Harbor!
At least the old time shitheads had the balls to go after the problem and raise so much hell that the government had to respond. These modern protesters just get in the way and vandalize stores. The government does not care if some hippie busts up some store or gets in Lothars way when Lothar drives to work
Protesting does not work. It's just an excuse for shitheads to be shitheads. The only way to change things is to vote and to vote educated about who you are voting for. We also need more people to get off their lazy ass and vote.
You sound like Rex there. I get it. You believe that the protestors aren't worthy to protest. They cause you inconvenience and you dislike them for it. Same as Rex.
Personally, I disagree. The system is broken. You can educate people about voting, and political choices, all day long. Won't change a corrupt system owned by the 1% billionaires. I would wager 90% of the people protesting are far more educated than most of us here. And yes, there's a 10% that is a bad element. No one, and no group, is perfect. So, judging at entire movement on your inconvenience isn't very...how shall I say...open-minded?