Man, if I could count the number of hippy chicks just like her that I banged in college, man...then, man, I'd probably go get tested for most STDs again, man.
As for move on and company trying to co-opt, here is Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake on RT's The Alyona Show.
First off, I've seen this Alyona chick multiple times before, and her POV is to the left of MSNBC every time I've watched her. She's good looking, but beyond that, she's very smarmy and liberal-partisan. I think I first saw her at The Young Turks, or linked from their site.
RT, previously known as Russia Today, is a global multilingual television news network based in the Russian Federation run by RIA Novosti, the 100% government controlled[1] state-run[2] Russian media outlet.
100%. Russian. Government. Controlled.
And the lefties love it because it never misses an opportunity to paint the U.S. in the most negative light possible.
In the case of this, I think it's disinformation. Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake has views that I hope would be the reality, that this isn't just created and co-opted by the puppeteers of the Left (Soros, MoveOn, SEIU, UAW, Van Jones). But this is her wishful thinking of what should happen. -vs.- what is actually happening. The DNC muscle --and other further-left muscle-- is clearly there behind the scenes. And if the Tea Party were making anti-semitic comments like I've seen on multiple Youtube videos of the WAll Street protestors, you can bet it would lead every network.
As opposed to only existing on youtube, as it does. That unfavorable antisemitism doesn't fit the liberal media narrative of how they want the Wall Street protestors portrayed.
Why are you and Pro so eager to dismiss the Tea Party members as a shill group of "inbred white rascists" (Pro's words, not iggy's, but both contemptuous of the Tea Party) with a corporate/GOP agenda. Against all evidence. (EXAMPLE: the budget vote where the Tea Party caucus held out for a responsible 4 trillion in cuts that both S & P and Bowles-Simpson mandated. Boehner and the Republicans wanted compromise, but the Tea Party caucus was scorned holding out for more.)
But at the same timeyou guys accept , Scouts' honor, that the Occupy Wall Street posturing is genuine from the grass roots level, despite the clear puppet strings of Soros, SEIU, Van jones etc. Against the evidence.
It seems to me you are too eager to embrace the Wall Streeters, and too easily dismiss the Tea Party crowd. It's laughable, how respectful and nonviolent the Tea Partiers were who were scorned by the media. And how disruptive, uncivil, and downright foul much of the Wall Street protests have been. And yet incredibly are praised by the media, where the Tea Party was scorned by them.