Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, Back to Form in Less Than A Week


In other words, you have no defense for your behavior, or ability to counter the facts I presented.

So you hide behind emoticons and childish games.

No, it means you have yet to even prove any of your claims about FOX,


I've repeatedly made clear with Geraldo coverage linked that he (among many others on Fox) gives liberal counterpoint that is favorable to the protestors and says they make legitimate points.

And that's in addition to a fair amount of every single hour of Fox's 24-hour coverage that likewise gives liberal counterpoint to the conservative views presented on Fox. (That you, in your partisan uninformed ignorance, never watch to even KNOW whether it's partisan or not. You're ridiculous.)

 Originally Posted By: Pro
...even when I've gone so far as to proven my own points, two or three times over, with various different examples of FOX's hypocrisy and Stewart's liberal slant.

I've got news for you Pro: Comedy is not News! Especially when it's liberal comedians like Jon Stewart who have made no secret of their partisanship to the liberal side of the argument.
Your argument is not "proven", it is truly ridiculous.

Beyond Stewart videos, the only other footage you posted was a snipped-out-of-context 20 seconds of Gretchen Carlson from Fox & Friends, that I already discussed at length.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Which means you are the one who cannot prove anything he says, and therefore scrambles and gets angry.

More of your gloating chest-beating.

Is this you "yanking my chain" in a "fun" way?
Or are you having a serious meltdown here --as you often do-- that you will backpedal later to say Hey, I was just kidding, can't you take a joke?
Or are you just mocking me, in parody-words you would like to script me to say, to conform to your "inbred, redneck white-racist" cartoon perception of what a conservative is?
Or an actual moment of seriousness, before you go a post later into slandering me in one of the above ways?

You lie so many ways in your discussions with me, Pro, I'm reluctant to give you the slightest seriousness at this point. The only mystery is which category of lie you are unleashing.

You're bipolar, angry and in hysterics, but if I call you on anything you said in dead seriousness and got busted on the over-the-topness of (EXAMPLE: your "can't handle there's a nigger in the white house" rant), you revert back into a dishonest "just kidding", and emoticon and \:lol\: endlessly until someone changes the subject and takes you off the hook.

Everyone here knows your game plan, Pro.
Me, Pariah (who points it out often), G-man...
Sammitch (more playfully on the periphery, but he still acknowledges he sees what you're doing)

And everyone else in the sidelines. Your troll formula is repetitive and boring, and it's largely why there's only like 6 members who haven't abandoned these boards.

It's the Pro version of "I win again!", where you often actually lost but will never admit it, and spam the same shit endlessly till even the person you are attacking is too bored to continue responding.

Don't even try to pretend you have a serious point any more.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

Sorry, Dave. Facts are facts. Either man-up and accept the truth of your holier-than-thou FOX Right Network or stop bothering trying to convince me of anything. I don't listen to people who cannot back up anything they say...

I spent a shitload of time answering every one of your points.

As I just pointed out with my own quoted comments, I neither blindly accept everything Fox News says (as you allege), or exclusively only watch Fox News (as you allege).
I've quoted your rabid hysterical partisan accusations, and then quoted with what I actually said, repeatedly. I clearly am not limited to Fox News. I just don't have an apoplectic fanatical hatred of Fox as you do. (Jon Stewart is your news source.)

The rest is just your attempt to mock me for your own malicious pleasure, just to troll on me and piss me off, in deliberate distortion of anything I say.

How does a sincere honest person have a debate with a deliberately antagonistic liar like you?
Following the Pro formula troll response, you acknowledge nothing, you twist and distort everything I say just to piss me off, and in the same breath you ADMIT you lie in order to do exactly that, and then say WHAT, WHAT?!?

You're a liar.
And everyone here knows it.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

 Originally Posted By: iggy
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I know. His "tolerance" lasted all of a week. Maybe.

What a sham for you to say that Pro.
You never stopped harassing me, calling me racist labels, whacko, crazy, etc. not for one day.

And through the whole "friendly truce" period, you never ceased to attach this to every one of your posts:

You never stopped twisting my words and insinuating the most insulting things, Not even for a day. And again: you clearly say you do it just to "yank my chain" and piss me off.

You're not looking for answers, just comments you can take apart and twist into "inbred racist" pieces to throw back at me.


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Humor that supports The Revolution.

Amen! Praise the New American Revolution! Here's to freedom, democracy, and equality for all! Right?

You have no respect for anyone's opinion but your own.

"Freedom" for you means the opportunity to slander and harass anyone who disagrees with you.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
Like Jon Stewart.
Like Stephen Colbert.

Do these guys make you cry into your pillow at night? Because you bring them up far more than I do...and yet claim to not watch them. Hmmmm...

More trollery.
Your words are again just a lie, to solicit a reaction.
I know your game.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: WB
Like Tina Fey on SNL perpetuating myths of what Sarah Palin said, that many believe is what Palin actually said!

...what??? \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: Are you actually still BUTTHURT over Palin's amateur ignorance getting exposed to the world? Fuck David, that was...what...three years ago? Man, move on! If you don't like the fact Sarah is two-steps and a bank account away from being just another middle-aged gold-digger, with an intellectual grasp of the world to match, then tell your party to pick someone worth America's time.

I could care less about Palin. Other than it being a manifestation for how liberals in the media used their entertainment (Jon Stewart, SNL, Letterman) as a tool to slander and damage a conservative vice presidential candidate they didn't like.

I've even seen stories about this on 60 minutes and 20/20 of how people are asked what Tina Fey in character said, vs. what Sarah Palin actually said. And many liberals are sure that Sarah Palin herself (rather than Fey who actually said it on SNL) said "I can see Russia from my house!" I believe I saw that in the same story that interviewed Chevy Chase who in rare honesty said that he fully intended to damage Gerald Ford's image back in 1976.

 Originally Posted By: Pro

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Chevy Chase in an interview likewise said that his mockery of Gerald Ford on SNL was a deliberate attempt to demean and damage a president he didn't like.

This is certainly true for Tina Fey in her burning hatred of Sarah Palin as well, if you've ever seen her interviewed on the subject.

And no doubt many others, less prone to revealing their motives.
For many actors and comedians, their zeal for the Left and their hatred for the right (much like Pro's) is never in question.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Hiding behind emoticons...

 Originally Posted By: Pro

Yes. When Lorne Michaels created Saturday Night Live, his intention was to set a stage where celebrities and the like could come and assault Republicans and the Right in a Marxist Liberal Scheme to destroy God's 'Merica! {evil-laughter}

More of your "scripting" me to conform to your cartoon stereotype of a conservative.
Your game exposed again.

Read BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, among other sources that expose the liberal media and culture. It's often not conscious that liberals --in this example comedians-- consciously or unconsciously through entertainmemt advocate their liberal ideology and candidates, and reflexively attack conservative candidates.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
BTW, everyone should have "demonized" Ford. He was a corporate-right pawn whose only driving goal and notable achievement was pardoning a Republican-criminal-crony like Richard Nixon. Fuck that guy, and fuck anyone who thinks he's worth their time. Anybody that stupid deserves to be belittled and dismissed.

Said in the most toxic word-choice possible.
As usual.
Trying to solicit a reaction by being as inflammatory and foul as possible.

And then if I do: Look, look! WB reacted, he's an extremist wacko, inbred redneck nutjob! But I'm the objective one, who is just relentlessly using the most sulfuric-acid-laced extreme comments to solicit a reaction from WB! But I'm the calm sane one!!!!


  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.