You're a lying asshole, Pro.
No I'm not. I've never lied to you anywhere or at anytime. The slightest hint of a breeze containing the possibility of a personal slight towards you, and you go apeshit. I offer to meet you halfway by posting articles and vids showing partisanship that agreed with your political perspective. I asked you to do the same. You couldn't. You tried multiple excuses ("I don't have time", "I don't know where to get them", "Oh Jon Stewart is just a Liberal comedy show, so I don't accept your peace offering, even though you voluntarily posted something that agrees with my political conspiracies", "Oh you're so mean", etc., etc.) And after all of your tantrums, you
still can't disprove that FOXEntertainment, Glen Beck, and all the hate-speech that they spew is anything but the most obviously biased lock-step Right propaganda ever crafted by a Corporate Committee.
So, yeah.

Sorry but the rules of life say: You lose.