Tea Party founder backs Occupy Wall Streethttp://rt.com/files/usa/news/tea-occupy-...--denninger.flvKarl Denninger was one of the founders of the Tea Party back just a few years ago when some concerned conservatives wanted to fire back at the government for what they said was unjust practices.
Today, similar sentiments are being echoed by the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Is it right to make comparisons between the two groups? Denninger says that, yes, to some degree the comparisons are indeed accurate. The Occupy movement, however, can learn from some of the mistakes that he says the Tea Party succumbed to.
“The problem with protests and the political process is that it is very easy, no matter how big the protests is, for the politicians to simply wait for the people to go home,” says Denninger. “Then they can ignore you.”
With the problems posing Americans as big as they are though, said Denninger, it makes sense that so many citizens are joining the movement. Denninger acknowledged that much of America has lost jobs and homes and seen the stock market crash twice in only a matter of years. “People are saying, ‘You know what? I know I’ve gotten screwed by all of this but I don’t know how I got screwed. I just know that it happened. And it all came from New York and Washington DC.”
With the Occupy movement as broad as it is, some critics say the chaos and lack of a solid plan will be the downfall of the movement. Denninger says, though, that that could actually give the group leverage. And as the movement spreads from coast-to-coast and now abroad, perhaps he is exactly right.
“One of the things that the Occupy movement seems to have going for it is it has not turned around and issued a set of formal demands,” said Denninger. “This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Everyone is looking for a set of demands.” Denninger added that once the protesters formally approach the banks and government with a list of demands, “then somebody is going to say, ‘Well, we gave you 70 percent. Now go home.’”
In the case of the Tea Party, Denninger says such organization was actually the group’s downfall. “One of the things we wanted was the end to bailouts and an end to government deficit spending, and as you can see that didn’t happen,” said Denninger, who today manages The Market Ticker.
Denninger added that demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street and the offshoots across the world shouldn’t just abandon their goals. “Stay on message, which is that the corruption is not a singular event,” he said. “You can’t focus in one place. You have to get the money out of politics, which is very difficult to do, but at the same time you can’t silence people’s voice.”
Occupy Wall Street is about real Americans standing up for what they believe in!
Respond to what?
When you list a source, I might take it seriously.
Another of your marxist blogs?
(the video is RT, which is as I pointed out last time, is a Russsian 100% state-owned network, that is anti-American and hard-left)
Just because one Tea Party member, or a handful, embrace the Occupy Wall Street movement, doesn't make it legitimate. They could be dupes, or be standing alongside self-avowed marxists because they think they can divert it toward their own Tea Party agenda.
That's what I get out of this Occupy Wall Street thing: mixed in with them are people across the spectrum, all pushing their own agenda. But the major thrust of it is marxist revolution, hard-left social-justice wealth-redistribution crap.
And I find it hard to believe anyone who takes seriously the clearly stated Tea Party tenets (smaller government, no more deficit spending, fiscal responsibility, a government that is not elitist and responds/legislates according to the will of the people) could serioussly endorse the welfare-state-minded Occupy Wall Street bunch.
The Tea Party was orderly and respectful, but firm. They advocated working within the system to advance democratic reform of the system, within the law. Thay even cleaned up their own trash!
The Wall Street protestors are disorderly and vulgar, and advocate violence and intimidation to get their way. Many in front of cameras openly talk of revolution, and militantly destroying capitalism, to create a new socialist order (a la Lenin). They have even put horror-movie-prop heads on sticks, figuratively and literally calling for something akin to the French Revolution.
One Tea Party supporter's interpretation doesn't change the thrust of the disturbing chaos at the center of this malformed Occupy Wall Street beast. It is the hell-spawn of Soros, SEIU, MoveOn, and William Ayers.