since I
do enjoy a little devil's advocate now and again...
IMO, I've got nothing but love for the guy. While not debt free, I made it through undergrad with very little debt and most of my tuition paid for. Further, I worked my way through much of the rest of it and drove cars that were no younger than fifteen years old. I survived. I had fun. I fucked chicks. And, graduated with over a 3.5. Good times.

My personal downfall was grad school. Had scholarships/stipends. State cut budget. School cut stipends. Suddenly, only half of my tuition was paid and, in order to get that, I had to take on an assistantship that didn't pay the rent to keep my stipend. Further, my deal prevented me from holding another job. Had to take loans. Got out of grad school in spring of '08. Economy melted down. Can't find a job to pay the loans and survive.

Shit happens. All for paying them back. Can't right now. And, government isn't doing much to help me out. Why should I have to struggle because of deadbeats that can't pay a mortgage, stupid banks that gave deadbeats said mortgage, and corrupt politicians that let and/or demanded that stupid banks give loans to said deadbeats?