Originally Posted By: Rob "Kamhausen" Goldman-Sachs!
People who benefit from the American Corporate Dictatorship have no investment in the global Occupy Movement. They want the system to continue the way it is, because they continue to reap the wealth.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy!
Then, there's a second type of people who don't support it because they smell the barest hint of opposing political beliefs or clashing religious ideologies. Doesn't matter if they're working their ass off to pay exorbitant tax rates so the 1% of wealthy Americans can enjoy their beach homes. They are dedicated to their political doctrine, facts and the world be damned.

 Originally Posted By: G-Man
Then, the third type that oppose this are those that WANT to be The System. They strive to become the wealthy oppressor that struggles to keep them down. They're the ones I cannot psychoanalyze. I don't understand the start of their intentions or logic. It all stems from a love of materialism and a doctrine of the strong oppressing the weak (very much the America post-WWII).

 Originally Posted By: Rex
A fourth group would be those too weak to stand up for themselves, or their position in life. They accept the shit life shovels on them, and then resent those that have the strength, will, and tenacity to "dare" rock the boat.

 Originally Posted By: Pariah
Finally, a fifth group would be those that, unfortunately, are full-fledged victims of Federal indoctrination. They are the uneducated, the angry, and the disenfranchised. They are the ones that have been shit on by life sooo much, they've snapped and just attack anything and everything that ripples the comfort zone of personal security delusion.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
So remember, as Gandhi said: "First, they ignore you. Then, they mock you. Then, they fight you. Then, you win."