John Stossel had a good program on the Wall Street protestors tonight.

Here are two excerpts:

In this one he takes on two ostensibly intellectual voices of the Left who support the protests, who offer convoluted defenses of what the Wall Streeters advocate. I think he certainly gave them a more than "fair and balanced" shot at laying out a valid argument. And I agree with him, that the arguments he got were "gobbledygook".
Even so, Stossel acknowledges a level of seriousness among most of the protestors staking out Wall Street, the level of commitment for them to stay there for days and weeks on end.

I found this one the more interesting, particularly that even in this deep recession, unemployment for college graduates is at 4.3%, as compared to the 9.1% unemployment of U.S. workers as a whole.
Also valid: the point about free education as a demand, if met will just result in more unemployable theatre majors. Whereas if people pay for their own education, they will be more careful to invest in more marketable skills.