
Sex offender registers Occupy Portland camp as address

PORTLAND, Ore. – A sex offender who registered his address with police as the Occupy Portland camp downtown is concerning some protesters who are camping there.

Raymond Allen Curtis registered the campsite at Lownsdale Square as his address with police last week. Curtis is from California.

“I think he should be outta here because there’s a lot of kids around here,” said protester Ravin James.

Protester Jeanne Whitman is doing her own research.

“If he’s living in the state of Oregon, he has to register with the state of Oregon and he’s not,” said Whitman. “How easy would it be for someone to frankly, make something like that up? Extremely easy.”

KATU News searched for Curtis in sex offender databases in Oregon, Washington and California. His name did not appear.

The Occupy Portland public safety team says they still take this seriously.

“I personally will engage with police if that’s necessary and we’ll take care of the problem,” said public safety team member Nat Holder. “It’s zero tolerance for violence.”

26 people patrol the camps at night, according to public safety team members.

Despite one report of a possible sexual assault police could never confirm, most protesters told KATU News they are not concerned about their safety in the camps.

"KATU News searched for Curtis in sex offender databases in Oregon, Washington and California. His name did not appear."

I suspect this is just some bullshit someone made up to make the protesters look bad. Because shitting on the sidewalk doesn't make you look bad enough.

"My friends have always been the best of me." -Doctor Who

"Well,whenever I'm confused,I just check my underwear. It holds most answers to life's questions." Abe Simpson

I can tell by the position of the sun in the sky, that is time for us to go. Until next time, I am Lothar of the Hill People!