Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Fact, not deflection.
You deflected that Obama was protected by media propaganda, and McCain was slandered by the same media. Obama narrowly won, and I believe that was because of unprecedented partisanship by the liberal media.

That's false. Prove it.

You also have been trolling and cheerleading Pro's infantile antics.


 Originally Posted By: Iggy
Seriously, show me one post where I absolve Obama of being a corporatist wanker. I'll wait.

You seem to be arguing for Obama's re-election, with a dismissive rejection of Romney. But you mentioned Republicans of interest for you as Ron Paul, Gingrich, and Roemer.
But my impression is you'll ultimately pull the lever for Obama and label the Republican candidate as a corporate whore. (a la Prometheus)

In other words, you can't prove it, because it's not true. You just wish it were, so it might give you some sympathy over your butthurt attitude. Once again, reality proving you wrong, David. At what age did you set up your highly compacted cognitive dissidence?

 Originally Posted By: WB
The reality is, Obama

 Originally Posted By: WB
That's another DNC talking point, not reality.

\:lol\: Good old Dave. Deciding what is and isn't "reality". \:lol\:

 Originally Posted By: WB
Romney, unlike Obama, is not in favor of a strong socialist central government.

Prove Obama is. Oh, you can't.

Unlike Obama, does not favor crony capitalism that would use corporations to advance an ideological socialist experiment.

Prove it. Oh, you can't.

 Originally Posted By: WB
(as I sourced from Tim Carney's book OBAMANOMICS

"That's another RNC talking point, not reality."

 Originally Posted By: WB
 Originally Posted By: Iggy
I repeat, he supported and still supports the abandonment of free market principles to "save" the free market (see, bailouts).


Yeah, but...........

\:lol\: Spin Right.

 Originally Posted By: WB
Despite your condescending dismissiveness, Obama is unprecedented in his damage to the country, and three years later, it still isn't even being reported!

LMAO!!! BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE YOU FUCKING MORON! \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\:

Jesus fucking Christ, David. If you think Obama's shitty, do-nothing Presidency has done "unprecedented damage" to this country, you must have had your entire hands inside your ears the eight-years Bush and the Extremist Right pissed on the Constitution and instituted a Corporate Police State, dictated by the Military-Industrial Complex.

You perpetually amaze me at the level of ignorance and cowardice you're willing to sink to defend criminal billionaire strangers. That's just fucking crazy on your part, dude. Holy shit.

Republicans are just as bad? Prove it.


Again: we have a choice in Nov 2012, most likely between Obama and Romney.

It's called freedom of choice, David. Simply vote for Ron Paul, or do a Glenn Beck write-in vote. OF COURSE there's a choice, man. This is America. Stand up and make your choice based on what YOU want, not what your party allegiance wants. Seriously.

despite that the co-opted Occupy Wall Street movement is funded by Soros, SEIU, UAW, MoveOn and so forth.

Fiction. Prove it or stop lying.

Other than your support for a bunch of unwashed neo-hippie rabble in the streets who talk about --in no uncertain terms-- intimidating if not violently rioting to take stuff from people who worked for what they have.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: You are a fucking pawn of the Corporate Government. Congrats on literally regurgitating exactly what the Extremist Right has told you to say and believe. It's like watching a textbook deconstruction of the quintessential Bernays Model "media puppet", simply salivating whenever the bell is rung...