Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Is it, or is it not a fact: This fat Bellvue-patient psycho, is unquestionably looney-tunes in the first segment.

And then is interviewed later in the O'Reilly segment by Jesse Waters and actually seems normal and lucid.

She's a perfect poster person for these demonstrations. Mentally deranged, high on drugs, fed soundbyted liberal propaganda by her puppeteers to sound halfway plausible and intelligent. But she's still clearly a very disturbed Bellevue patient, who is out canvassing for the cause to qualify for her meds.

20,000+ protestors in New York, alone. Over 80 cities in the US, Occupied. Over 1000+ cities global, Occupied.

One crazy woman showing her tits off and pissing off FAUXNews. Yep, that's a real game changer, right there.

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm done with you.

\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: