Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus

Interesting that you hypocritically cut-and-pasted this, Pro.

Since you pathologically contribute daily to the "divide" portion of this graphic, as you partisanly rant endlessly about the evils of Republican-conservatives.

I'm sorry that picture offends you, David. It must be the "common sense" portion of it that frightens you so. Or, maybe you just don't understand it? A bit over your head?

The image does not offend me, Pro.

Sure it does! Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered responding to it, when it wasn't directed at you at all. You chose its importance to you, so therefore it must have offended you enough to force a response?

OR: is it just because I posted it? \:lol\:

You whine about the partisan divide, and then you rail on conservatives and Fox News daily.

I rail on FAUXNews daily, which is symptomatic of a corrupt Republican base, just like the Dems and MSNBC. The only difference is, MSNBC and the like don't try and pretend they're anything but Liberally-slanted media. FAUXNews, on the other hand, has all the rednecks fooled.

So, what does that picture have to do with anti-Conservative/FAUXNews Partisanship? OH! It's because you saw me post it and assumed it must automatically be anti-Conservative? Or, is it because you believe, deep down, that they are the ones causing the great divide?

Either way, the fantasy you face right now is your own. That picture speaks volumes. It's exactly what's wrong with American politics and society. But, if you want it to be "anti-FAUX" or whatever, you go ahead. The actual point remains either way...

 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm done with you.


You're an idiot, Pro.

I could not possibly be more clear.
The image does not offend me. What offends me is your hypocrisy in posting it. You claim to be neutral and condemn MSNBC and other far-left media, but in post after post, topic after topic, you clearly are the liberal indoctrinated, and pretend to be a moderate you're clearly not.

Your opinion on gay issues. Where someone who doesn't agree with your position is not simply a person you respectfully disagree with. No, they're neanderthal. They're evil! They're unfit to be part of civilization and should be denied any voice.

Likewise your opinion cheering on revolution in the Occupy Wall Street topic. Anyone who doesn't agree with your highly opinionated version of the facts is a corporate dupe, a Republican shill, EVIL, I tell you, EVIL!! Meanwhile, you're the one who cheers on leftist/marxist violence, and then backpedalled from that zeal when you were called on it.

And needless to say, your opinion of our military in uniform is so insulting and vile that any number of them would beat you to death on the spot if they knew what you said behind their backs on these boards.

You are one fucking piece of work, Pro.

And so it is with anyone who disagrees with your opinion of Fox News. DESPITE THAT YOU NEVER EVEN WATCH IT, to know one way or the other what Fox actually reports.

So, basically.... you're a very opinionated intolerant liberal jerk, who lives for the opportunity to slander and mock people and beliefs you never bothered to even try to understand.

The only way you can go on rationalizing what you believe is just to put your blinders on and blanket-stereotype people who don't share your view of how the world works.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.